Exercise can make fat tissue healthier

Exercise can make fat tissue healthier
Exercise can make fat tissue healthier

Even though we have heard that (fat) is something bad, harmful, unhealthy, yet we have it, it is an essential component in the functioning of our body. And by physical exercise we can keep it healthy. According to a new study, a single exercise session can change the molecular functioning of the tissue in such a way that it can improve long-term metabolism. This discovery is quite relevant during holidays, when - despite our intentions to eat less fat and sweets - fat is accumulating and storing in adipose tissue more than usual. The good news is that we can counteract the negative effects of extra pounds through sports. Many of us probably think of adipose tissue as something inert and unsightly.

In fact, fat is a fairly \. The main function of adipose tissue is, of course, to store in a secure space. Recent research done on both animals and human subjects showed that when adipose tissue is unsafe and permeable, it can enter the bloodstream and transport it to other organs, such as muscle or liver, where it builds up, contributing to insulin resistance - a . A recent study found that if they have low levels of fatty acids in the blood, they are more metabolically healthy than other overweight adults. Interestingly, subcutaneous biopsies have shown that the adipose tissue of these individuals is healthier and more morphological (less inflammation and scarring) than other subjects.

However, this study also had some limitations, being an observer study and not long-term subjects to note the changes and to find out what are the factors that offer the addition of adipose tissue impermeability. Approximately one year later, the same researchers added physical exercise to the equation and rewrote the study. Exercise is well-known for its beneficial effect on energy consumption of fat. It also transforms the adipose tissue of white type into brown fat - a healthier type of fat than the white one, which is normally found in newborns and mammals that hibernate, playing a major role in thermoregulating. The scientists took a batch of 20 overweight men and women but who did not have insulin resistance.

Eight of them exercised regularly, the others being sedentary. Initial tests on the body composition of the participants were performed and fat sample samples were taken. They then asked each volunteer to use the treadmill or the elliptical bike for one hour at a moderate speed. One more hour after the end of the exercise, the tests were repeated. The microscopic results were amazing: in nearly all volunteers, exercise has produced a rise in the level of a protein responsible for the development of new blood vessels.

More blood vessels = higher blood flow = more nutrients and oxygen reaching the cells = healthier fat. Also, morphological analysis of biopsies has shown that subjects who have a regular exercise program have benefited from increased genetic activity in blood vessel proliferation, suggesting a more prepared tissue to create new blood vessels and increase the flow . The same increased genetic activity was also observed for the production of a substance with anti-inflammatory properties. These changes are not massive. They are subtle, but consistently appeared after just one exercise session.

What would have happened if the study had continued and evaluated subjects after one year of regular exercise? This study is a small one that has not seen long-term changes that have occurred, compared the effects of different . What this study attempted to highlight was that any \. Obviously the best thing for health and a good is weight loss, but even if we fail to lose much in the short time we have proposed (a totally unhealthy method), this study shows us that any change is . However, exercise is not the key to maintaining a normal weight. Even if you go to the gym every day, run or do any other activity that puts your body in motion, but keep on doing the same, you will not be able to lose weight and stay in shape.

The central idea is that a healthy lifestyle comprises several factors that can not be taken separately. Nutrition, exercise, relationships with others and a positive attitude to life are the links that make up the chain of life style. Each of these links is important, and if one breaks, the chain is incomplete and inoperable. If we were to make a list that we should follow for a healthy lifestyle, it would include: - A diversified diet that includes all the nutrients you need - Avoid processed foods - Do not drink carbonated beverages . .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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