Factors that cause the onset and worsening of heart failure

Factors that cause the onset and worsening of heart failure
Factors that cause the onset and worsening of heart failure

From a clinical point of view, left and right heart failure should be differentiated. Left heart failureHe impacts the left half of the heart. The dominant symptom is (lack of air). The increase in dyspnea correlates with progression, which is why the NYHA (New York Heart Association) classification of cardiac dysplasia is widely accepted: Class I: dyspnea at great effortClaster II: Median effort dysplasia Class III: low pressure dysplasia Class IV: dyspnoea . Orthopnea is the seated position adopted by the patient to ease breathing. Cardiac asthma is a form of paroxysmal dysparea associated with bronchial spasm.

Dyspnoea occurs in the expiration and accompanies the wheezing (wheezing). Acute pulmonary edema is the most severe form of dyspnea. The patient is agitated, pale, with cold sweating, anxious, orthopnee, polypnea (more frequent breaths than normal), cough with sparkling, white or pink expectoration. Cough is another common symptom in left heart failure, considered as the equivalent of dyspnea. Appears in efforts or at night and is dry, rarely haemoptotic (with blood).

Hemoptizia (the culling and expectoration of a quantity of blood) occurs by breaking anastomoses (connections) between the bronchial and pulmonary venous circulation. Asthenia (fatigue) is due to decreased cardiac output. Right heart failure Symptoms are mainly due to disability, with consequences on systemic circulation, with the following symptomatology: Edeme declive initially in the ankles, progressively increasing with the aggravation of insufficiency, gambier or even the entire inferior member. Hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver), usually painful. Inappetence (lack of appetite), nausea, vomitingGlobal heart failureAssociates the symptoms and signs of both forms.

Most cardiac affections affect the left heart first, initially occurring, later decompensate and right cord. The clinician's clinical examination reveals the following changes: The patient is cyanotic (perspirational), perspirational, with edema by water retention (water and salt). Heart exams show increased heart rate (tachycardia), and the heart is enlarged. There are abnormal breaths or noises when listening to the heart. is low, the pulse is small, and in the severe forms the alternating pulse is noticeable (amplitude pulse followed by low pulse).

They are indicated by the physician: - thoracic radiography (shows heart enlargement) - electrocardiography - echocardiography. Recently, cardiac cardiac catheterization is used (a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel to the heart, where functional explorations can be performed) . Patients should be kept on moderate salt restriction. In severe heart failure, it is recommended to limit physical activity, but in patients with moderate or mild heart failure, progressive exercise reduces symptoms and increases exercise capacity. In patients with moderate or severe congestive heart failure, diuretics are useful.


Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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