Four essential vitamins for skin health

Four essential vitamins for skin health
Four essential vitamins for skin health

This vitamin is mainly produced when sunlight is absorbed by the skin. The one that catalyses this process is cholesterol. Vitamin D is then taken up by the liver and kidneys and transported throughout the body to facilitate the production of healthy new cells. This includes skin, where it plays a major role in the color of the skin. There are studies that claim to be useful even in treating. Calcitriol is the synthetic variant of vitamin D.

It comes in the form of a topical cream and a 2009 study published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology shows that the application of calcitriol to people with psoriasis reduces inflammation and irritation of the skin and produces fewer side effects. A daily dose of 600 IU of vitamin D is normally recommended. For pregnant women and for those over the age of 70, the recommended dose is higher. You can take vitamin D from: • Moderate sun exposure (10-15 minutes). If you had any form of history, then it is advisable to consult your doctor about this aspect.

• Consumption of fortified / vitamin D supplements such as cereals, orange juice or yoghurt. • Consuming foods that naturally contain vitamin D (the tone or code). Vitamin C has the highest levels in the epidermis (the upper skin layer), but also in the other layers (dermis and hypoderm). Antioxidant properties and its role in making this vitamin a key component in skin health. This is why you can see vitamin C last in the composition of most cosmetics, especially anti-aging.

Orally administered, vitamin C can increase the effectiveness of sunblocks by limiting cell damage and speeding up the healing process. Vitamin C can also elongate because of its role in natural collagen synthesis. helps remove wrinkles and repair and prevent dry skin. Due to the vitamin C prevalence in most pharmaceuticals, food supplements and even the foods we eat every day, vitamin C deficiencies are rare. The official recommendation is 1000 mg per day.

If you find you have a vitamin C deficiency, it would be advisable to eat more citrus, broccoli or. Use vitamin C supplements only at the doctor's advice. Just like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant. Its main function in skin care is to protect against the harmful effect of ultraviolet light. It has a photoprotective effect when applied to the skin.

It also helps prevent wrinkles and hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is recommended that adults consume around 15 mg of vitamin E per day. Sources of vitamin E may be: - nuts, - hazelnuts or sunflower seeds - vitamin E supplements or multivitamins - cosmetics containing vitamin E or in combination with vitamin C. is essential in the blood clotting process, helping to heal wounds and to hemostasis. Among the basic functions of vitamin K are the relief of skin conditions such as stretch marks, varices, scars or.

Research shows that the effects of vitamin K on the skin are more limited than those of E and C vitamins. Deficiency of vitamin K is also rare in the general population. Adults need 90 to 120 grams each day. Vitamin K can be found in: - - spinach - salad - cabbage - green beans. Vitamins are Essential to Skin Health As vitamins are essential for proper functioning of the body, certain vitamin deficiencies can affect.

Vitamins C and E play an important role in protecting the skin against the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight and any deficiency of one of these vitamins may increase the risk of developing skin conditions,. In the United States, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, with the forecast for 2018 being nearly 100. 000 new cases. A balanced diet ensures for every day, and supplementation is useless, sometimes even harmful. Therefore, whenever you want to take \.

Also, if you have a family history of cancer, you will be exposed to sunlight excessively or notice new formations, or it would be advisable to schedule your family doctor or dermatologist for a more thorough assessment. Vitamin A is better known for its positive effects on vision and reproduction, but the effects of a deficiency of vitamin A can be observed very easily in the skin, giving a dry and descuated appearance. can also benefit from an optimal vitamin A level, 700 studies on retinoids proving their usefulness in maintaining good health of the largest body organ, skin. The vitamin B complex is also a good companion for a healthy and moisturized skin. Vitamin B3 is useful if you have a sensitive and dry skin, and biotin (vitamin B7) can help relieve symptoms.

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