Four healthy foods for the fall

Four healthy foods for the fall
Four healthy foods for the fall

Autumn is a wonderful opportunity to have your grja and your body nourish it with healthy foods and avoid falling prey to the temptation to eat at random. Here are the foods I recommend for the coming months. indoor photo and homepage: Gaus Alex, Shutterstock1. Cauliflower rice. As the weather cools, many of us succumb to the temptation to eat simple carbohydrates such as white rice, pasta, cakes, nutrients. When we eat simple carbohydrates, sugar enters our bloodstream, so we produce hormone insulin to transport blood sugar.

The level of blood sugar drops rapidly, leading to the need to eat more refined carbohydrates. On the other hand, cauliflower is a low-carbohydrate vegetable, but rich in natural fiber, which slows digestion and stabilizes blood sugar levels. . 2. Healthy fat at every meal.

Fat provides satiety (satisfaction), so you will feel more time between meals. Your body also uses fat to generate energy. These are absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. Some examples of healthy fats: avocado, coconut oil, walnut butter, salmon, nuts and seeds, olive oil or avocado. 3.

pumpkin. Autumn is the favorite season to enjoy this amazing vegetable. The pumpkin contains a large amount of fiber and vitamins - vitamin A, vitamin C - and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. 4. Salmon.

It not only tastes delicious but also is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that play an important role in your energy, cellular recovery and thyroid health. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the proper functioning of the brain, including memory and intellectual performance. They can also reduce the risk of heart disease, joint pain caused by arthritis and multiple cancers. When you buy salmon, choose the dark pink or red pink. Avoid fresh salmon if it smells strong over or has brown spots.

Fresh or frozen salmon is excellent in grill, fried or cut into butter. A lemon squeezed and a delicious meal. Frozen and preserved salmon is cheaper but make sure it is wild. .

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