Although an exact cause is not known, it is assumed that calculus formation is determined by the presence in the bile of excessive amounts of cholesterol or. The main risk factors contributing to the formation of calculi are: - diabetes - poor nutrition in fiber and high in fat - some hepatotoxic drugs - inflammatory intestinal disease - multiple pains suddenly installed on the right side under the costal rib cage lasting between 30 . (weakness, feeling of fainting) -frison, fever usually occurs in the case of complications- is an investigation of choice for diagnosis- . Evolution depends on each patient and can be a good progression without surgical treatment if the patient follows a rigorous diet or an unfavorable outcome for the patient in some situations with serious complications. The main complications are caused by the migration of calculi and thus leading to acute cholecystitis that is the bladder gall bladder inflammation. Angiocollitis is also a rather serious complication of bile infection as a result of blocking its leakage.
Another complication is what is the pancreas inflammation as a result of blocking the common bile elimination channel. The choice of treatment is surgical, being performed laparoscopically, ie without opening the abdomen, but by inserting the instruments through small orifices made at the level of the abdominal wall. Another treatment commonly used in the elderly is the drug that can dissolve calculi, whether or not associated with lithotripsy (a new technique for stoning ultrasounds). Avoiding trigger factors is the first intention for the patients in question. The main trigger factors are: - copious and high fat meals - alcohol-smoking - carbonated beverages - coffee - cholecystokinetic foods like sour cream, eggs, butter, mayonnaise, mustard, smoked products, spices.
Each patient must adhere to the regimen in order to avoid bladder crises as much as possible, and if the physician's indication is surgical, it is safe to remove the gallbladder so that it can live normally without it, just avoid eating excesses. .
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