Gina Pistol's Secrets: \

Gina Pistol's Secrets: \
Gina Pistol's Secrets: \

Body work, toned feet, at 37, Gina Pistol looks more in shape than ever before. And yet, what are her secrets? . What's happening, Doctor ?: How many kilos have you fattened most and how did you get rid of them? . I got rid of them in time . . .

and with great patience. I tried to eat less, on a regular basis, not to deviate from my program. CSID: How do you keep up? . You can not get results in the gym if you do not have a balanced diet to sustain your physical effort. CSID: Going to the gym? .

Every time I had time I ran to the hall. I have a routine of exercises that I respect. I work different parts of the body according to what I programmed for that day. If you go to the gym constantly and you are motivated, the results will not be delayed. I started with the exercises recommended by Carmen Fit, who demonstrated to me how effective her workouts are.

I'm very glad that I met Carmen, ever since I watched my work on Instagram accounts and Facebook was amazed by the results she got with the people she was training. CSID: Are you doing a sauna too? . I'm going to do a sauna after I'm out of training, and then I choose the dry one. CSID: Do you believe in eating at fixed hours? . Something else worked for me.

I believe in an organized regime with 3 meals and 2 snacks that help you organize your food. So you are no longer tempted to cheat or CSID: What is the fragrance you do not break up with? . I use these at any time of the year, and although they are different, I feel that I find myself in them. I like the strong notes, the employees of a café told me they recognized me for the perfume. I often like to combine them in a dosage that I only know, so I smell differently.

I would not want to call them again, because at some point I recommended them and it seemed to me that they were all the time. CSID: What do you use for hair? . I like to have my hair like after a night of love or afternoon on the beach, that kind of natural, but necessarily clean. I dye and I always cut in the same places, I have two hairstyles in which I trust. But I like to arrange my hair alone and do not spend much time in front of the mirror.

CSID: What do you clean your skin with? . Cinderella is the most important to keep your face fresh and bright. CSID: What did you do with the first money you earned? . My first job was the Xerox operator in Bucharest. CSID: Do you trust the medical system in Romania? .

Unfortunately, there is not much money to be invested in state hospitals in our country, and equipment and conditions sometimes leave it to be desired. CSID: When were you last to a doctor? . I know people are generally tempted to postpone this, but it is much better to periodically analyze them, to prevent possible health problems. CSID: Have you ever been to death? . But I have a good intuition and there are certain things that I feel is not good to do.

For example, it's been a while now to be driving, driving to an event, when a strong storm started. I felt the need to pull right, call my loved ones and wait for a few moments before I started off again. After I left, just a kilometer, I saw that a road accident was quite serious, and I only avoided it because I waited 10 minutes on the road. That reinforces my belief that I have my own alarm system. I trust him very loud, as I trust and in my intuition, I am a man who relies heavily on this.

I'm not a man of regrets. I believe, however, that we have given people more time than they deserve, but I'm not sorry. I just think that I was the right man at the right time in their lives. CSID: Last Investment Made? . It's like they're never enough! .

I admit that I very much like spending my time looking for various decorations or objects that would fit perfectly into my house's landscape. CSID: Tricks for Beauty? . CSID: How do you protect your complexion in the summer? . Even if I sit out in the sun without a protective factor, my skin is stained, so I have to take more care. CSID: What do you do for cellulite, stretch marks? .

Sugar, nuts and fries should be avoided as much as possible. You can not supplement an unhealthy diet with sport and we noticed that physical training does not work if you do not follow some basic rules regarding eating. The fight against cellulite is primarily by eating. CSID: What are the foods you have excluded from your life? . I have a while since I do not eat them anymore, and when I have a disorganized program (whether I'm shooting or traveling) and I'm getting away with such temptations, my body reacts.

I immediately feel like I'm not doing well. CSID: What is the diet you apply most often? . I would not call it a diet, but rather a healthy lifestyle, which I assumed very easily because of Carmen Fitt. She taught me to eat what I needed and I repeat when some of the asses push me to deviate from my program . .

. I feel it right on my skin. There is very little. CSID: Integrings and Sweets in Your Weekly Menu? . I'm trying to reduce the amount of sugar in my diet.

When I'm chocolate, I choose the fresh pineapple or the forest fruits, which satisfy my need for sweetness. CSID: Have you ever been to a nutritionist? . Specifically, I have learned the best combination of food and I have noted that the meals program should be regular and complete with 2 snacks and 3 meals a day. CSID: Are you cooking? . I like cooking very much, and when they're filming I take their views into account, and several times I even called them to ask for their advice.

Instead, when I want to prepare something delicious, I have to organize my workbench. I like to have fresh products taken from the market and have all the ingredients I need before me. CSID: Where do you like to go on holiday? . I think in a previous life I was a spirit that belonged to the earth, because that's how I load myself in nature among the animals. I really like to travel, I do not know if it's a sign, or it's just that I'm fine.

That it's a mountain, it's great, it's a forest, it's a plain, it's important to be as far away from this urban jungle. I hope that I will find myself in this year as well. I prefer a country road and a quiet weekend to the detriment of any commercial destination. CSID: What's the love for you? . .

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