Habit that drives you ahead of time

Habit that drives you ahead of time
Habit that drives you ahead of time

Aging is an inherent process, but we can delay its effects by quitting a number of living habits and adopting some healthier. The skin aging process is determined in a proportion of 30% of intrinsic, genetic factors, and 70% of extrinsic factors such as environmental factors, nutrition, hormonal activity. So when we talk about prevention of wrinkles, we need to consider not only specific care creams but daily habits. Diana Marandiuc, trainer Naturys Romania, tells us why to keep ourselves safe and what to fix. 1. Excessive exposure to UV rays Photo-aging is a reality and we should be conscious of this.

Ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen and causes accumulation of elastin. The dysfunction created between the collagen fibers generates a large amount of free radicals, which are very damaging to the skin cells and therefore the cell membrane structure will undergo changes. These changes occurring in the cell matrix reduce the volume and decrease firmness of the skin. The final result will be wrinkle installation and skin hyperpigmentation. The solar protection factor must become mandatory in any season.

2. Excessive cleansing, especially of the periocular area Very important is the product we use in the removal process. It must have a pH close to that of our skin, not be an astringent or based on alcohol or petrochemical ingredients. These ingredients will temporarily dehydrate our skin, accentuate fine wrinkles and wrinkles and our skin will get a tern. 3.

Smoking reduces oxygen intake in the skin. Each cigarette will convert the oxygen required for carbon dioxide light. The skin will become gray and devoid of vitality. 4. Consumption of refined sugars Sugars have a negative effect on the skin.

By the glycation process sugar molecules attach to the proteins in the skin, causing malformations. Thus, there is a lack of elasticity, facial contours without firmness and wrinkles. In addition, refined sugars raise the level of insulin in the body, leading to inflammation of the tissues. Cream with sunscreen, removing the right products, smoking cessation and refined sugars are some simple gestures that keep us young for a long time.

Source : csid.ro

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