Hepatic transplantation: it is recommended and effective to restore the liver to the donor

Hepatic transplantation: it is recommended and effective to restore the liver to the donor
Hepatic transplantation: it is recommended and effective to restore the liver to the donor

More and more people are fighting today with hepatitis B or C, the viruses of these diseases being among the most dangerous of C. In Romania, over 1. 4 million people have one of the forms of the disease that, over time, can seriously affect the liver. If hepatitis B has a vaccine, hepatitis C has not yet developed. Although drug treatments can keep hepatitis under control, in many cases only liver transplantation can restore the functioning of this important organ in the body. Transplantation may also be recommended in certain cases of autoimmune diseases, such as autoimmune hepatitis or primary cirrhosis.

Late transplantation demands for steatosis hepatitis and alcoholic liver have increased since there has been an increase in the number of patients with these conditions. If these diseases lead to cirrhosis, we have to recommend liver transplantation, Remzi Emiroğlu. For prestigious centers specialized in liver transplantation, it has become a routine intervention, although it is one of the most complicated in surgery. 80 percent of the interventions are made with the liver from the living donor. The donor must keep his health condition intact: think about taking some of the liver, and reconstructing the vessels and bile ducts is very laborious.

I think this type of operation is one of the most difficult of all. If we were to make a world ranking, Turkey is the first place to live donor kidney transplant, and in the liver we are in second place after South Korea. In our country, this type of intervention is common, there are about 1400 liver transplants per year, and 80-85 percent of interventions are with a living donor. These figures demonstrate our experience in this type of operation. In addition, transplantation is very well regulated in Turkey by the Ministry of Health.

Transplant centers are evaluated on a regular basis, and the success rate should be higher than 85 percent. If these parameters are not met, the center is closed, The donor's liver recovers in 3 months, and after this period everything returns to normal. After 6 months, more sporting activities can be resumed, and after one year even performance sports. However, the person who received the liver needs special monitoring. Diet After Transplant They must adhere to a diet, which is not very strict.

We recommend that they maintain optimal weight because overweight can cause steatosis hepatitis. In addition, post transplant drugs can create insulin resistance, which means increasing blood sugar. So we recommend healthy eating, physical activity, avoiding exposure to the sun and observing regular medical checks. Evaluations are extremely important because the greatest long-term risk is the appearance of malignancies or other conditions such as diabetes or hyperlipidemias. In fact, these health problems, along with cardiac, renal, etc.

can occur with aging, even in people who have not undergone a transplant. So they should be extremely rigorous about medical assessments, Remzi Emiroğlu. Experts say the survival chances of liver transplant patients are very good in the long run, if they adhere to medication and regularly go to assessments. Patients who come to us are in a serious situation, have a long-term illness active, but everything changes after transplant. We do the transplants just to give patients the opportunity to have a normal life again and we are glad to see them well.

They can do sports, they can deflate their professional activity, the ingredients of a normal life, 80 percent of patients should take long-term treatment. If this is not met, you may experience infections, metabolic complications or even liver rejection phenomena. But medication can also have side effects. That is why monitoring health is vital. .

Source : csid.ro

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