Do you have a very young child but have you discovered that he knows stuff so complicated that they seem difficult for you too? . Here's how they identify a gifted child and what you need to do about it. Why It Is Good To Identify A Gifted Child For talented children, learning is important for their harmonious development. The greatest benefit your child will have if he is identified as being gifted is that you will understand his learning needs, and when you understand them, you will find the best way to support and encourage them. And by supporting her learning needs, you support her development and overall well-being. For example, it is good for some talented children to start school early, while others can start it just as well at their usual age.
A child with a special ability could well evolve into a normal class if the teacher can offer him extra help, more attention and more difficult topics than his colleagues. But very gifted children will need learning opportunities that are two or more years ahead of the age class they should be according to their age. If you have a talented child and is identified early, he can start enjoying opportunities to learn. Early identification can help your child: To acquire learning opportunities appropriate to his / her mental, not biological life, from pre-school level To begin developing his / her talents in areas of natural abilities To avoid some of the challenges faced by gifted children, for example . With IQ tests, it is worth mentioning that test results could be more reliable for children over the age of six.
Children also grow and change quickly. This means that the results of your child's IQ at four years of age may be different from the six-year results. Smaller children could also resist an IQ test of 60-90 minutes to stay focused. Another way to get a formal identification is to analyze the child's results in standardized language or math tests. If the little one seems to have very good results, you can discuss the results with the educator or the teacher to see what to do next.
Official identification is good because it can guide you to special study programs for gifted children that exist in Romania, but there is also the possibility to go through education cycles faster than their colleagues (to do two years of school . How to do when you have a gifted child You know your child best, so you will know how much you can tell the child about his natural abilities and when. The most important thing is that your talented little child feels accepted and loved for who he is. Children do not like being different, so it will help him talk to him about it and explain that beyond his remarkable talents is a child like any other. Regardless of the approach you choose, you will still have to explain to the child what is happening in a way that he understands.
This approach can help the child know that not everyone is the same. Although there is a difference between what your child can do and what others can do, the other children have their own strengths. You can emphasize, for example, that your child's sister is good when he wants to make friends, and his cousin is a great chef. If you want to know more about your child's development, come to the free event organized by What's Happening, Doctor ?, who has invited Dr. Ana Culcer - Primary Doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
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