How long does recovery take after a fracture

How long does recovery take after a fracture
How long does recovery take after a fracture

it is defined as the interruption of the continuity of the bone as a result of the action of a traumatic force on it. In order to produce a fracture on a bone with a normal structure, a large force of action is needed, so that, as a rule, when a force acts on the bone, until it breaks, a displacement or a deformation can occur . When the traumatic force is too great, the bone's resistance is exceeded and a fracture occurs. Article content\n \n \n . ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n . Thus, we are talking about pathological bone fractures, and in this case any trauma of low intensity can lead to the appearance of the fracture.

Examples of pathologies that lead to a decrease in bone resistance are: , osteomalacia, osteomyelitis, , malignant/benign processes, , etc. . The fracture diagnosis is made clinically and imaging (usually radiographically). A fracture can be complete (complete break with displacement of bone fragments) and incomplete (without bone displacement, with preservation of integrity and the appearance of a crack in the bone). A displaced fracture further delays the process of bone regeneration and makes recovery more difficult.

Depending on the subsequent prognosis, they can be divided into stable fractures which, after immobilization with plaster casts, orthoses, bandages, phases or splints, no longer present a risk of displacement or unstable fractures which additionally require surgical intervention. The initial treatment of a fracture is handled by the orthopedist who, depending on its type, location and production, will choose the appropriate treatment. He will take into account the risks and the age of the patient. Later, as an integral part of the proper treatment of a fracture, the role of the physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor, also known as the medical recovery doctor, is completed, who must determine the optimal time to start the recovery program after an immobilization or postoperative. The consequences of not starting recovery in a timely manner can be upsetting because the fracture can heal with sequelae such as: vicious callus, muscle hypotrophy or atrophy, pseudarthrosis, joint swelling, disorders of the peripheral nervous system.

Normally, after the medical recovery treatment, the patient again performs a control X-ray to see if the fracture path is still there or if it has completely healed. It is considered that the bone consolidation process begins approximately 3-6 weeks after the fracture. One of the goals of the recovery program after a fracture is to help the patient reintegrate into his daily activities. In the first stage of the recovery program, emphasis is placed on combating edema with the aim of reducing it. Thus, the so-called anti-slope postures are adopted.

In the case of a fracture in the upper limbs, the hand is raised above the heart, and in the case of a fracture in the lower limbs, the legs are raised approximately 20 cm higher than the trunk when you are lying on your back. To reduce edema, a cold compress can be applied locally for 20 minutes. Depending on the time that has passed since the appearance of the fracture, the exercises can be gradually started, which must be dosed so as not to exhaust the patient quickly. They should be performed when the patient is at rest and if pain occurs, the intensity should be reduced or even stopped. In the presence of pain, the execution of the exercise will be inappropriate.

Remember that pain inhibits muscle strength. The exercises depend on the degree of the deficit and are always individualized according to the given case. Through physical therapy exercises, the aim is to gain the mobility and stability of the affected joint, but also to restore muscle strength through toning exercises. An unused muscle loses approximately 3-5% of its strength every day and it is important that when we have an immobilized limb we train the muscle through daily isometric exercises. Thus we fight against muscle wasting.

appears somewhere 10 days after not using a muscle. Regarding the electrotherapy methods, they are applied with caution, even prohibited in the case of the presence of metallic osteosynthesis materials (rods, plates, screws, etc. . ) or in the case of prostheses. The metal implant is heated under the action of electric currents.

As an exception to electrotherapy procedures that can also be applied to patients wearing metallic materials, we have:\r\n\r\n. Daily applications lasting 10-20 minutes on the treated area are recommended. - Deep Oscillation (oscillating electrostatic field) with daily applications with a session duration of 10 minutes. If no metallic materials are present, electrotherapy procedures help to heal bone fractures by speeding up the recovery process. Lasers can also be recommended with their use for 5 minutes on the affected area in one session.

For example, a patient whose fracture has been immobilized for several weeks can benefit from EMS electrostimulation with the role of strengthening weakened muscles. This procedure acts as a kind of supplement to the conventional training consisting of physical therapy exercises. It cannot be applied to fresh fractures. Electrotherapy procedures should be performed daily for at least 10 days. The recovery time of a fracture differs from case to case and is influenced by a multitude of factors.

But in general, it can be said that the recovery period can last from 6 weeks for uncomplicated fractures, up to a year for complicated ones or those that have also undergone surgical intervention. As final recommendations, there are a number of general rules that must be followed especially after the healing of a fracture, such as:\r\n\r\n. university. Vlad Predescu\n . PANTELIMON (former 23 August Hospital)\n \n \n .

Robert Cristian Apostolescu\n . Ioan Bogdan Andrei\n . Horia Orban\n . .

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