How to get over a break

How to get over a break
How to get over a break

You've been together for many years, you've had better or worse times, you've done your best to stay together, but it just did not work. No matter who decided it was time for parting, it's simple for neither of you. Yeah, you know, life goes on and you have to see your own, but you do not know how to do it in your current formula. Here are some things that will help you to overcome this period well, even if at this point it seems to you that the suffering is so great that you can not under any umstances mobilize yourself to see your life. Accept help Whether it's from your loved ones, colleagues, friends or acquaintances, during this time you need to socialize and be helped to come back. Although you are tempted to isolate yourself and suffer from suffering, one of the effective ways to get out of the way you have it is to interact with as many people as possible.

Get out to a coffee with your girlfriend that you have not been able to see for a long time, let your mother come for a few days to cook and order in the house, sign up for that painting course . And in the first phase, in which you feel that pain distracts you in an unbearable way, talk to someone close about what you feel. Any of these methods of support could work, so call with confidence. Do not forget who you are Even if your relationship did not work, you are the same intelligent, empathetic person you were and while you were in that relationship and before it, do not forget this second. There are studies that people who love themselves have a higher level of self-compassion, and manage to pass more easily over divorce.

Remember the things you liked in the old days and why. Resume the pleasant habits you gave up after you got into the relationship. Focus on your well-being and do things to make you forget about sadness. And even if, apparently, it does not help you a lot, think that what you feel is absolutely normal and that it will pass, so it is just another necessary experience in your life. Go to the psychologist If none of the above work, go to a psychologist.

It's been past when you were crazy when looking for specialized help, so you have to remember that your mental health is extremely important. A psychologist will help you understand the affective mechanisms that make you feel so depressed, guide you to find your own answers to questions and overcome this difficult time in your life, so trustfully call one. Take a pet That does not mean that you will grow old with 10 cats, but that although it seems a rather radical solution, it is as useful as many studies. Whether it is a cat or a dog or just a fish, the fact that you are responsible for another being will make you distract from personal sufferings. In addition, if you have chosen a puppy or a cat, they actively contribute to raising your mood, because they give you unconditional affection, make you access your playful part, keep you alive and keen on life.

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