Ice, snow, snow - common causes of bone fractures in winter

Ice, snow, snow - common causes of bone fractures in winter
Ice, snow, snow - common causes of bone fractures in winter

• The footwear should be suitable for walking on snow and flying. Therefore, you must wear boots or boots with adherent soles, such as those made of rubber and neoprene. Footwear with plastic or leather soles, smooth, increases the risk of falling and, of course, producing a fracture or. • When descending from a vehicle or when descending the stairs, look carefully before stepping. • Even if outside is cold, it is not advisable to go with your hands in your pockets as it reduces your ability to use your arms to keep your balance. In the case of a fracture, you do not have to massage the area because the edema and the pain are getting worse.

It is advisable to apply cold compresses, but not directly to the skin. In the open fractures an improvised garage is applied: a belt, a towel, for stopping, so that the skin keeps its color and does not become too pale, and the garage takes up to two hours. The closed fracture is immobilized with the help of the thrusters; . will be wrapped with another soft material to avoid injury to the skin, and over them a face is applied in order to fit the fractured member as well as possible. It is very important for the patient to reach the emergency room for an orthopedic physician to consult it because the traumatology of the limbs must be done very quickly.

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