Love, a lie? How to install loneliness in a couple.

Love, a lie? How to install loneliness in a couple.
Love, a lie? How to install loneliness in a couple.

Loneliness accompanies today more and more couples. Many times, suffering can be noted in one of the partners right from the first months of cohabitation. Why does loneliness happen in our lives? . Love is the greatest When we fall in love, we have the feeling that the object of love is perfect. Everything he does or says, apparently, meets our expectations. Why do I say it's a The levels of hormones (Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxitocin) that give us the feeling of well-being or happiness are at maximum odds, not met in another life situation, only in the situation we love, and that makes us believe that the chosen person is perfect .

At some point, when the hormonal level decreases, we start to Thus, the second enemy appears: waiting. On the other hand, we are dominated by the desire to meet the perfect person. Thus, the partner, conscious or not, must appear to erase our trauma, but also because with him we can have a brilliant future that corresponds to what we have imagined that we will have or achieve. That's how loneliness is, after the drop of the hormones that almost drowned us and the collusion of our expectations and that of our partner. Where are my partners wrong? .

I want a child, my partner does not, so I notice his desire to turn me into a housewife who takes care of everything, including him, without offering anything in return. Moreover, she can not give up the special relationships she has with her mother, friends, company, career, favorite sport, so I start thinking why I fell in love. Once this question arises, it comes with the feeling that I am not loved, appreciated, supported, motivated or respected by my partner. Loneliness, but also a whole range of psychic disorders, depressive syndrome, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, sexual disorders, anxiety, somatization of all kinds begin to take place in my life, I feel overwhelmed by the partner's lack of involvement, so I only get deeper into that sense of loneliness and futility. I am confronted with a lack of willingness to communicate, I have the impression that nobody understands me, and suffering becomes even more obvious.

Finally, until a physical or mental illness is just a step. Tips to overcome this period Do not use your own family or friends. They may have values ​​or experiences different from yours, and once they find out that the partner is wrong, they will become for them persona non grata. Even if you manage to overcome certain events, your parents may never be able to do it. Call for specialist help: priest, psychologist, psychiatrist.

So, you can earn time to find the most suitable resolutions. Can we better read the one next to us? . It is also important to expose our own values, but also the expectations of family, friends, career. If we do not do it in time, we can start a relationship with an inappropriate person. If the situation were restricted to the two adults, it might not be such a big problem, but the couple of that couple, their family, their friends, the social partners or the business people can suffer, and they have no blame, .

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