Menopause menu: 14 recipes to try for morning, lunch and dinner

Menopause menu: 14 recipes to try for morning, lunch and dinner
Menopause menu: 14 recipes to try for morning, lunch and dinner

Diet isn't exactly the #1 ally in dealing with menopause symptoms, but that doesn't mean the foods you eat don't play a significant role in how you feel during this phase of life. When you create a food plan and make informed choices, you can reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and even improve specific symptoms like mood swings and hot flashes. . So here is a very healthy menopause menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Soy has been rumored for years to have a negative potential on hormones. Don't let the internet fool you, because soy can be a great choice for menopause.

Soy foods contain phytoestrogens, compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. During menopause, estrogen levels decline and lead to symptoms such as mood swings and hot flashes. Phytoestrogens can relieve these symptoms by providing mild estrogenic effects. Ground flaxseeds contain lignans, a type of phytoestrogen that can soothe hot flashes. A 2019 study shows that consuming flax seeds has positive effects on menopausal symptoms.

You can try the following recipe, especially since all the ingredients are put in a blender: The fact that you have low estrogen levels in the morning can increase your cortisol levels and you can face anxiety in the first part of the day. To relieve these symptoms opt for a toast with eggs and avocado. This breakfast is high in protein and healthy fats, both of which are meant to ease morning anxiety. Another symptom of menopause is a foggy mind, but luckily, a dose of curcuma, the active ingredient in turmeric, can be of great help. .

Turmeric helps improve memory and reduces inflammation in the brain. Sweet potatoes are also a great takeaway choice. Where do you put that they are high in fiber and fight constipation? . Vitamin E can help reduce hot flashes and supports skin health during menopause. Magnesium can help relax muscles, improve sleep and reduce anxiety.

Believe it or not, sushi doesn't have to contain fish! . You need edamame and sesame seeds for heartburn relief and quinoa and vegetables for high fiber content. If you are premenopausal, you are most likely facing iron deficiency, which results in anemia. Beef is rich in iron and can help rebalance your energy levels. A 2021 study shows that diets high in soy reduce moderate-severe hot flashes by up to 84%.

After a 12-week study period, about 60% of participants got rid of moderate-severe hot flashes. You've probably heard many times about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids against inflammation. Menopause itself is an inflammatory process, and these acids in fish can reduce inflammation. Turmeric is much more versatile than you think. How about trying an anti-inflammatory popcorn version? .

Chia seeds have earned their place on the list of Chia seeds are rich in omega-3s and contain magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium, all of which are beneficial for the transition to menopause. Morning, lunch or night, edamame is a great menopausal snack any time of day! . Maca root is a Peruvian adaptogen studied for its ability to soothe multiple symptoms of menopause. A 2022 systematic review concluded that maca root may have significant effects on problems associated with menopause, including memory problems, depression and changes in bone structure. When your hormones are out of whack it's perfectly normal to crave something sweet, and to satisfy those cravings you can opt for dark chocolate covered strawberries.

Antioxidants in chocolate have been associated with improved cognition and reduced fatigue. .

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