Mobile phone is a necessary evil of modern man. It is indispensable, but at the same time we know it can have a number of effects on health. However, science is still trying to determine the exact consequences of using the mobile phone, trying to link a series of relationships between possible tumors and its use. Here are some recent conclusions. Phone Radiation and Brain and Heart Tumor in Male Rats Laboratory studies typically expose animals to RF energies (emitted by the mobile phone) to see if they are causing tumors or other health problems. Researchers could expose normal cells in vitro to RF energy to see if they cause the types of changes seen in cancer cells.
It is not always clear whether the results of these types of studies will also be extrapolated to people, but laboratory studies allow researchers to carefully control other factors that could affect the results and answer some basic questions of science. Researchers have found that male rats have a higher probability of developing cardiac tumors, while rats and neonates exposed to high levels of radiation during pregnancy and breastfeeding were more likely to have low body weight. DNA damage and cardiac tissue damage were also observed in male and female rats but not in mice. Other types of tumors occurred in both types of animals, including tumors of the brain, prostate, liver and pancreas. According to the researchers, if these results can be confirmed, cellular radiation can indeed be a The animals in these studies were exposed to telephone radiation for nine hours a day for two years (mainly the full life of a rat).
According to the researchers, this level of exposure is much higher than the level at which humans are normally exposed, making it difficult to extrapolate the impact on human cellular radiation. Studies on humans Another type of study refers to the rates of cancer occurrence in different groups of people. Such a study could compare the cancer rate in a group exposed to the cell phone with the rate in a group that is not exposed to such radiation. In most cases, no type of study provides sufficient evidence on its own to show whether such radiation causes cancer among people, which is why researchers typically take into account both laboratory and participatory. Some scientists have reported that RF waves from mobile phones produce effects in human cells (in laboratory vessels) that could probably help tumor growth.
However, several studies in rats and mice have analyzed whether RF energy can promote the growth of tumors caused by other known carcinogens and have found no evidence of tumor promotion. A small, recent, human study has shown that cell phones can have other effects on the brain, although it is not clear if they are harmful. The study found that when people had an active cell phone in their ears for 50 minutes, brain tissues on the same side of the phone used showed more glucose than did the tissues on the other side of the brain. Glucose is a sugar that normally serves as brain fuel. The use of glucose increases in certain parts of the brain when it is in use, such as when we think, talk or move.
Possible health effects, if any, of the increase in glucose consumption from mobile phone energy are not known. Subsequently, several studies have analyzed the possible links between mobile phone use and the appearance of tumors. Most of these studies focused on brain tumors. Many of these were case-control studies in which brain tumors were compared to brain-free individuals (control group) in terms of mobile phone use. These studies have mixed results: Most studies do not have a At the same time, much of the study does not show that brain tumors appear more often on the side of the head where people keep their mobile phones.
Some studies have found a possible link. For example, several studies published by the same research group in Sweden reported an increased risk of developing tumors on the side of the head in which the cell phone was kept, especially for a minimum of 10 years of use. .
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