Natural fruit compounds - allies to fight cancer

Natural fruit compounds - allies to fight cancer
Natural fruit compounds - allies to fight cancer

If in the middle of nature we were born, all nature can give us the best solutions to fight diseases and to strengthen our immune system. Not for nothing, every specialist in medicine recommends a certain lifestyle to keep us healthy. The natural foods we find everywhere in our world are treated as the treatment for the most common diseases and symptoms of the disease we are dealing with. Salvestrolia - the class of natural chemicals against cancer found in fruits and vegetablesNot everyone knows, but it must be known that there is a group of nutritional compounds called salvestrols that fight cancerous cells in the body. They release certain chemical agents that kill the diseased cells in a while, clearing the body and preventing the spread of disease throughout the body. Salvestrols are a class of natural chemicals against cancer found in certain fruits and vegetables or plants.

These natural fruit compounds have the extraordinary ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells to prevent damage to the body. If you're wondering why salvestrolls can kill diseased cells without harming healthy ones, learn that they can distinguish the presence of CYP1B1. This enzyme is a component of cancer cells that is still lacking in normal cells. Experts say that when salvestrols come into contact with the CYP1B1 enzyme in the human body, they activate and act to stop the development of dangerous cells and destroy them. When consuming fruits and vegetables or natural dietary supplements, salvestrols in their component penetrate and trace cells with cancer and release chemical agents that are deadly to these diseased cells.

This process is also possible due to CYP1B1 enzymes. \. Thus, there are nowadays natural dietary supplements that have a rich salvestrol content. These adjuvants replace with the greatest success the daily dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to be consumed in order to have an iron health. And as these compounds are not found in the complete formula in vegetables, plants and fruits, now the perfect substitute for frequent administration is natural supplements such as the product.

Professor Dan Burke says: \. Thus, the appearance on the naturist market of supplements and salvestrolli food is welcome and can keep the fruit and vegetables recommended daily. One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from cancer is diet. There are plenty of foods that fight cancer, and a complete list is difficult to compose. Consumption regularly shows a 21-43% lower risk of developing cancer.

Is the high-orange orange spice, which can be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer. Curcumin can suppress tumor initiation, growth and metastasis. Before starting a treatment or a diet against cancer, some medical investigations are required: blood count, urine cytology, tumor marker tests and blood protein tests. All of these need a healthy lifestyle: smoking cessation, sports life and regular sleep. .

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