Orgasm can help you feel good, but it can also work wonders for your health. 15% of women have problems getting orgasm and 10% say they never knew him during sex. However, he should not miss your life, because it provokes you a good state of mind, protects your immune system and relieves you of a few pounds. Need to say more? . 1. Prevents you from getting sick Vitamin C is not the only one that can prevent a cold.
Sexual activity and orgasm can help you get good immunity. Sexual excitement and orgasms increase the number of leukocytes and natural killer cells in peripheral blood that help stimulate the immune system. 2. Makes You Stronger Oxitocin, a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, also responsible for contracting during delivery, releases during orgasm. The hormone of love, as it is commonly called, can help you control blood pressure and heart rate.
3. Surprise! . As you get older, especially after the onset of menopause, if you do not have sex often, your vagina becomes drier and sex can be painful when you resume your activity. On the other hand, if you do not interrupt this process, your vagina will love you. After an analysis of female genital reflexes, specialists believe that sexual intercourse helps maintain vaginal and pelvic function.
How? . 4. It can help you get your teenage jeans Gender (talk about 10 minutes of prelude and 15 minutes of activity) burns calories. German specialists found when they measured body mass for a study that women who had sex had hips and hips much thinner than those who had no activity. The reason? .
Women who feel good in their own skin after losing more pounds may notice an increase in excitation, orgasm and general satisfaction. 5. It brings you in good shape Another benefit of oxytocin, the hormone that is released during orgasm, is relaxation. If you suffer from depression, sexual intercourse can improve your mood. 6.
Promote marital happiness Regular sex can help both men and women to express themselves better - especially if you suffer from alexitimity, the inability to recognize their emotions and manifestations. An increase in sexual activity may favor couple communication. Research by the Kinsey Institute revealed that people who have sex more than four times a month know happiness in the couple. 7. Orgasm helps you sleep well If you suffer from insomnia, maybe you should have sex more often.
During orgasm, the body releases oxytocin, a hormone that can help you get rid of insomnia. Oxitocin helps us reduce cortisol levels, which can create a general feeling of relaxation, and in some people even drowsiness. After orgasm, you will probably be ready for a deep sleep. Here are 4 ways to keep your sex life satisfactory: 1. Make love at least once a week Couples have different programs and needs so there is no party number to be respected.
However, it is advisable to give up your feelings at least once a week or once every two weeks. 2. Do not forget about sexual stimulation Whether it happens during the day or evening, sexual stimulation is an important part of intimacy. Researchers measured a testosterone level in women before and after sex, after prelude and after exercising. Female testosterone levels were higher both before and after sexual intercourse, but prelude caused the highest increase in testosterone in all.
3. Plan a meeting Plan a special night just for you. It can be spent in a special place or at home when the children are away. There may be a time when you can do things interesting. 4.
Be Creative Fantasy might be a new position or a place where they can perform their action (elsewhere than the bed!) It can be an exciting factor for both sides, knowing that something new and interesting is coming at the end of the week, Make sure you both enjoy it.
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