(photo) A duck and 76 dicks.

(photo) A duck and 76 dicks.
(photo) A duck and 76 dicks.

A Minnesota Duck carries around 70 chickens, a remarkable picture captured by an amateur photographer on a recent trip to Lake Bemidji, about 150 miles northwest of Duluth. # Anywhere the duck mother goes, and there are 76 chicks. Experts say the photo, which was shared among bird connoisseurs and presented on the Audubon National Society website, gives an example of a sort of common phenomenon in nature. Here's a look at the story - and science - behind the striking image. # When the photo was taken. Cizek said that he had fallen over the chickens at the end of June.

The photographer headed for the local lake in an 8-meter-long plastic boat that he bought to make his catches in the open air. He said he did not expect to take many photos that day, he brought only a camera and a lens, but then he saw the duck and her children. He tried to catch as many frames as he stumbled to get closer. He then went home quickly to see the photos. Only one picture turned out to be clear, the one in which the duck mummy cuts the way for her and the over 70 chicks.

#What belongs to a single duck? . The woman caught in the photo is what can be called the .

Source : diez.md

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