Plants for gingival, mouth or respiratory problems

Plants for gingival, mouth or respiratory problems
Plants for gingival, mouth or respiratory problems

Even if herbs are known mainly for oral use, they also give you invaluable benefits for your local or external use. You will find many ways to use the plants below, starting with some examples for cataplasms, mouthwash, gargle formulations or inhalations. These treatments will give you great help, especially if you suffer from those common cold conditions. Cataplasms In case of muscular pain or torticulis: make a cataplasm of garlic or roasted onion, or use an alcoholic or garlic oil maceration. For joint pain (gout, rheumatism): make a turmeric or mixed ginger (possibly clay) cataplasm or use decoction or mother tincture of the same plants. To bake a basket or a subcutaneous infection: make a cataplasm with fresh currant or dill leaves, mixed or crushed.

To ease the insect bite: make a cataplasm of fresh leaves, mixed or crushed with rosemary or lemon. For neck or mouth aches Several plants are suitable for direct local use or in the form of mouthwash and gargle. To reduce pain, inflammation or dental infection: put a garlic clove or a strip of cotton with a drop of essential oil of cloves between the tooth and the gum for 10-20 minutes. Repeat several times a day. In oral ailments: an infusion of cloves, cinnamon or unsweetened blackberries or cranberry juice is used as a mouthwash.

For pain and inflammation of the neck: make gargle with a decoction of a forest of laurel, candle or raspberry leaves or currant. For ENT and respiratory diseases For ENT disorders (cold, sinusitis, pharyngitis, angina) or respiratory (bronchitis, pneumonia) and in addition to a classic treatment, you can: Inhalations: infusion or hot water with the addition of . Hot feet: based on infusions of garlic, sprat, echinacea, mite, eucalyptus, sage or thyme, or warm water to which mustard flour is added. Bathrooms Choose plants whose smell you like. You have two choices: or make a large pot with infusion or decoction, which you add to bathing water or let the boiling water flow and infuse the plants in bottles pre-packed in a sachet.

Depending on your wishes, choose from the following plants: Soothing and soothing baths: orange, lemon, pine, basil, lime, lavender or hops. Aphrodisiac bath: jasmine, rose, ghimber, and, why not, a little lavender. How to make a cataplasm Heat the plant for two minutes. Press to extract the liquid from it. Apply oil on the affected part in advance.

Cover the warm-treated area and bandage with a gauze. It is allowed to act for a maximum of three hours. Beauty Tips Floral Waters: Choose floral water tailored to your skin type: Hamamelis floral water (tonic), floral orange or chamomile (calming) floral water, rose floral (regenerating) floral water or lavender floral water . Shampoos: on a neutral shampoo base add a drop of essential oil according to the intended purpose: infections and mycosis (lemon), inflammation and irritation (chamomile), dandruff (Virginia cedar), astringent and skin tonic (cistus ladanifer). Source: the book 200 plants that will please us, author Carole Minker, RAO publisher.

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