Renal lithiasis (kidney stones): Symptoms, types, complications and treatment

Renal lithiasis (kidney stones): Symptoms, types, complications and treatment
Renal lithiasis (kidney stones): Symptoms, types, complications and treatment

Renal lithiasis occurs through the precipitation of salts and minerals in the urine, urinary tract, and the development of solid, rigid structures. Calculations may vary in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. They can migrate along the urinary tract (ureter, bladder and urethra), affecting the elimination of urine. Symptoms of renal lithiasis Symptoms of urinary lithiasis depend on many factors, including the location of calculi. Obstructive kidney or ureteral calculi cause renal colic: severe lumbar pain with anterior descending irrigation to external genitalia, frequent urination, micturition, Dragoş Georgescu, Primary Urologist, for what's happening, Doctor ?! . The association of urinary infection is manifested by chills, fever, cloudy urine or bad urine, loss of appetite.

Types of calculus Urinary calculations can be classified according to different aspects: dimensions, location, association of infection, radio-opacity and chemical composition. The latter is essential for evaluating and preventing the recurrence of lithiasis. Thus, the chemical analysis of the deleted or extracted calculation is mandatory for all patients. Those formed from calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate are the most common. These are added starchy stones, which contain crystallized magnesium and ammonia, which form more often after urinary tract infections.

Stones from uric acid occur in people with a higher urine acidity. Cystine stones are quite rare and they generally meet with members of the same families, Dragos Georgescu, Primary Urologist, for what's happening, Doctor ?! . As a result, aggregation of these crystals, their deposition and the formation of the calculi is taking place, There are a number of risk factors that predispose to renal lithiasis. Dragoş Georgescu, Primary Urologist. The occurrence of kidney stones is 3 times more common in men than in women.

Rules to be followed Prevention of the appearance of renal calculi includes a series of general measures as well as specific measures, depending on the type of lithiasis. An optimal hydration of 2. 5-3 liters of fluid per day is beneficial in most types of lithiasis. Regarding diet, a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fiber is recommended with a calcium content of 1-2 g / day and a limitation of salt consumption at 1-1. 2 g / day.

Although calcium forms the majority of kidney stones, it is not necessary to quit eating dairy products. In fact, moderate consumption of daily dairy products and other foods rich in calcium can reduce the risk of kidney stones. But this does not apply to calcium supplements, which have been associated with the risk of developing kidney stones, Recommended diet In the case of oxalic lithiasis it is recommended to limit the intake of foods rich in oxalate (chocolate, beer, tea, vitamin C supplements or green vegetables). In case of calcium calculations, salt consumption will be limited, and in the case of uric acid stones the purine intake will be reduced. Combating obesity with adequate physical activity and compensation for fluid loss contributes to reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Changing urinary pH through diet or medication may be possible, depending on the type of lithiasis. Patients with urinary lithiasis at high risk of relapse require a complex metabolic assessment with the establishment of a specific treatment. Blood in urine The presence of blood in urine (hematuria) occurs in both kidney stones and other types of diseases (urinary tract infections, infections, etc. ). This requires patients with hematuria to be fully investigated to diagnose the diagnosis.

It is mandatory to evaluate patients with haematuria, as it always has a cause to be determined and treated. How can litias be diagnosed? The first investigation to diagnose kidney lithiasis is abdominal ultrasound. Reno-bladder radiography, intravenous urography and computed tomography are required to determine the characteristics of the stones and effects on the kidney. Urine analyzes can determine the concentration of salts and minerals that form renal calculi. What can be complications? .

Acute pains are accompanied by frequent urination with small amounts, nausea, vomiting and cold sweats, Dragos Georgescu. Treatment and therapeutic strategies If the lithiasis is small, the treatment may consist of the administration of analgesics and the medicinal stimulation of the natural elimination of stones. If the kidney stone is less than 5 mm, there is a 90% chance that it will be eliminated without further intervention. If the calculation measures between 5 mm and 10 mm, the likelihood of it being eliminated by urination drops to 50%. When the stones exceed 10 mm, the probability of spontaneous removal is very low, with intervention methods being the foremost, Dragos Georgescu.

Alpha-blocking drugs relax ureteral muscles so that the stone clears more easily on the ureter. Other drugs (antialgic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic) also favor the spontaneous exposure of calculi. Shockwave Therapy. A frequent medical practice for treating kidney stones is extracorporeal lithotripsy, which uses shock waves to fragment kidney stones so they can spontaneously. The possible side effects are local lesions, bleeding and pain after the procedure.

ureteroscopy. Evolution of modern endoscopic apparatus has drastically altered the therapeutic strategy in urinary lithiasis. The vast majority of ureteral calculi can be best resolved by a semirigid ureteroscopic approach. Induction of flexible urethroscopy associated with destruction of laser stones has allowed the resolution of renal calculi almost anywhere. These methods, using natural pathways without incisions with very high success rates, have in many cases become the first-line treatment of lithiasis.

The percutaneous approach through a minimal incision (percutaneous nephrolithotomy) is reserved for cases with bulky kidney stones. All of this makes classical open surgery necessary only exceptionally. .

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