Secrets for a long and healthy life

Secrets for a long and healthy life
Secrets for a long and healthy life

• Eat balanced and healthier. Remove the processed foods, fat and fat from the daily diet. In addition, if you like bread, try to consume only the bark because it contains eight times more lysine - an antioxidant that fights against. At the same time, you can use daily salads, for example, and vinegar. And they have the role of reducing the risk of developing cancer, preventing obesity and. In addition, whenever you have the opportunity, choose to consume fruits, especially red grapefruit, because the amino acids and antioxidants these fruits contain are beneficial to many cancers.

In desert it is advisable to eat. First, it will not jeopardize the silhouette, and some studies claim that 4 grams of cocoa increase heart rate by 33%. • Drink mint tea. It contains powerful antioxidants that reduce organs inflammation by 60%. • Always think positive and seek to shave daily.

For example, in the evening when you get home, relax with a good movie with a comedy. It has been demonstrated that an hour of laughter will relax your body and mind by removing it. • Marry yourself. There are studies that have shown that married people have a death rate much closer to normal parameters than those who have chosen to live alone. Those who live in an official relationship are more relaxed, feel safe, and couple life is much better, which adds to their psychological comfort.

• Do sports. It is known that people who choose to practice sports daily are much less likely to have heart disease. In addition, including at least half an hour, it seems that it would extend life by four years. • Meditate. Meditation reduces stress, which is one of the major causes of premature aging.

The quality of life can be improved by meditation or practicing. • Quit smoking. It's no secret that it can prolong life. For example, a British study showed that quitting smoking around the age of 30 could increase the life of a 10-year-old man. • Make friends, socialize.

There are studies that show that there is a clear connection between long life and social ties. That's why it's good to have friends, to have beautiful activities together, to talk, to open your soul. This way you can lower your level and you have reason to smile more often. • Moderate alcohol. Under no circumstances do you make a habit of consuming alcohol daily and in large quantities.

Alcohol, if not consumed in moderation, has adverse effects on the heart, in addition can cause a lot of other affections. • Pay special attention to sleep. Try not to forget about the health benefits it has. .

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