Stress and emotions can affect the heart?

Stress and emotions can affect the heart?
Stress and emotions can affect the heart?

The first thing we can do is learn to manage stress, diminish it, because we can not completely eliminate it, so we control it and its heart is not affected. Basically, we need to know how to react to negative, stressful events that overwhelm us and increase our risk for cardiovascular disease. It matters a lot how a person is dealing with stress. For example, if during periods of high stress it smokes more, it will seek to consume alcohol, its health will suffer even more, but if it tries to relieve stress or control it, health will not be affected . • Set up activities with family or friends. Activities to please you.

For example, go out to a good movie, preferably a comedy, dine in the city, walk alongside people you enjoy talking about, go shopping. • Make as much sport as possible. Let's not forget that exercise causes the body to release, one of the best ways to eliminate stress and keep it under control. If you do not like to run or go to the gym, you can go to a swimming pool or go for a walk. • Try because they can help keep your calm and distress.

• Stay away from the negative, frustrated people who are upset all the time. • Think positive. There are studies that have demosted as a positive person, the optimist who laughs often has a longer life than one that is always upset and pessimistic. • Listen to the music you like, because it has the role of relaxing. • Avoid excess food.

Try to eat healthier, avoid alcohol consumption in large quantities and quit smoking. • Accept that there are certain things that you can not control. .

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