Stress, the enemy in the bedroom.

Stress, the enemy in the bedroom.
Stress, the enemy in the bedroom.

Stress can sometimes bring about the end of your sex life, your couple's life, your career, or you can severely mistress you physically or psychically. Because if you do not control it, it can destroy you. The stressfulness of stress can be noticed with regard to the sexual life of both partners. In women, it can lead to: anorgasmia, frigidity, lack of pleasure, infertility. In man, stress can be manifested by premature ejaculation, erection problems, lack of desire. Also, stress disturbances do not only stop at individual level, but can also influence other issues.

Psychologist Constantine Cornea is convinced that stress can make you lose the battle on several fronts. It can lead to divorce. And, most of the time, instead of helping, rather reproaches, which increases the level of stress to a level at which you can think of divorce. Separation can be seen as the only solution for both partners. The first because it does not feel meaningful and the second because it does not feel satisfied Often, a sexually unsatisfactory couple's life can make either person look for the solution somewhere else in the arms or the bed of another person.

Because it can be much easier to conquer someone than to help your partner / come back. They leave you without heirs. The desire to have children can also be inhibited by an unsatisfactory sexual life. If he fails to remedy them, at least to have another object of his desire, to share with his feelings and to respond to him It changes your career prospects. Maybe you do not think, but sex life can even influence your career.

How? . And sometimes these behaviors can become incompatible with the job, and the employer gives up the problem employee, Social life suffers. A stressed person who has no sexual pleasure may develop a depressive syndrome so he / she may no longer want to interact socially. What other conditions can a person develop if stress exceeds? . What needs to be done by those who face these problems? .

It should also be specified that sometimes some people can be so badly affected that they can not make the decision to call a specialist. Therefore, if you have a partner, a family member, a friend, a colleague who does not realize the seriousness of the situation, try to do your best to get him to call a specialist, .

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