The importance of calcium in bone health

The importance of calcium in bone health
The importance of calcium in bone health

Calcium makes the bones strong and strong. Calcium also helps in contracting and dilating blood vessels, muscle contraction and support. Bone tissue is constantly modeled. In children and adolescents, the body gives birth to a new bone faster than destroys the old bone, so the total bone mass increases. This process, called osteogenesis, continues until the age of about 30 years, when new bone formation and old bone destruction is balanced. In older adults, especially in women at, the bone is damaged faster than it is built.

If calcium intake is too low, osteoporosis can be installed. The Daily Calcium Requirement in Adults - Adults 19-50 years: 1. 000 mg - Male 51-70 years: 1. 000 mg - Female 51-70 years: 1. 200 mg - Adults aged 71 years and over: 1.

200 mg - Pregnant and lactating women: 1. 300 mg. A diet that includes varied foods from all food groups manages to provide the necessary daily intake of calcium. In addition, it is also necessary for an intake, which helps the body to absorb and fix calcium in food. - have the highest calcium content.

Dairy products include milk, yogurt and cheese. One cup of milk contains 300 mg of calcium. The calcium content is the same for whole milk, but also for low fat skimmed milk. - Vegetables with green leaves contain high amounts of calcium. and kale cabbage are good sources of calcium, especially when consumed raw or steamed.

- A portion of or preserved sardines has about 200 mg of calcium. - Grains, pasta, bread and other foods made from wheat may add calcium to the diet. - Calcium is also obtained from fruit juices, soy beverages and beverages. For people who can not get enough calcium from food and drink daily, it may be necessary to take a calcium supplement. People who may have difficulty in getting enough calcium intake through diet alone.

In addition, those with absorption problems as a result of can not absorb enough calcium. Those who follow or who consume large amounts of protein and sodium may also not fix enough calcium. Adults aged 19 to 50 should not exceed 2. 500 mg of calcium per day. Adults over the age of 50 should not exceed 2.

000 mg of calcium per day. Too much calcium may present some health risks: - Prostate cancer - Accumulation of calcium in the blood vessels - Difficulty absorbing iron and zinc. .

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