There are also people who can live without depression, anxiety, fear and other negative states. Indeed, happiness looks different for everyone. People living in regions of Japan, Costa Rica, Italy, Greece and California have some of the longest life spans on earth. People groups in Okinawa, the Nicoya Peninsula, Sardinia, Ikaria and Loma Linda, California have a healthy lifestyle that contributes to their longevity. Scientists have been looking for clues that lead to a happier and longer life. Most of them follow certain morning routines that help them live longer.
Here's what you need to do every day, first thing in the morning! Most people living in Costa Rica, Japan or Italy enjoy a rich and varied Mediterranean diet. They generally eat more whole foods, fruit and vegetables and less red or processed meat, sugar and starchy carbohydrates than the general Western diet. Research has shown that following the Mediterranean diet, which also emphasizes whole grains, olive oil, beans, nuts and fish, can help reduce the risk of a number of diseases, including Alzheimer's, heart disease, stroke and . You can improve your health by swapping cow's milk for a plant-based alternative such as oat milk. Also read: TOP 3 cities in the world with the Those who live in these regions drink around two to three cups of coffee every day.
Studies have shown that three cups of coffee a day help reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity, caffeine is believed to play a role in managing these conditions. Susanna Larson, from Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, said: Starting the day right isn't just about what you eat. The people in those areas all follow a variation of the Japanese concept of 'Ikigai', meaning finding your inner drive. It's about discovering what gives your life purpose and spark, the literal reason to get out of bed in the morning. Research has shown that people who feel they have more purpose tend to live longer.
Ken Mogi, a neuroscientist in Tokyo, said the process begins with five pillars: accepting yourself, connecting with others and the planet, finding joy in the little things, and being constantly present. Similarly, how you treat people at the start of your day can give you a boost of happiness. Author Dan Buettner, who coined the term Blue Zones, said he starts his morning by saying something nice to the first person he meets. He told Sarah Wilson: .
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