The most dangerous foods for the brain

The most dangerous foods for the brain
The most dangerous foods for the brain

Sugar-rich drinks Carbonated drinks, energy drinks or even natural fruit juices contain a large amount of added sugar and far exceed the daily requirement. These drinks will not only add a few centimeters in the waist but can affect brain health by increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes - which in turn increases the possibility of developing. Some studies claim that elevated blood sugar levels may increase the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease independently of the presence by simply diagnosing the metabolic syndrome. Excessive consumption can lead to insulin resistance in the brain, inflammation and reduced brain function such as memory, learning ability and formation of new neurons. Refined carbohydratesGlucids, simple or refined, are found in large quantities in processed foods such as white flour. These types of carbohydrates have a high glycemic index, meaning they will digest rapidly, causing a rapid increase in blood glucose and insulin release.

Also, if they are consumed excessively, these foods have a higher glycemic load. Research shows that a diet high in glycemic foods and high glycemic load affects brain function. One of theories criminalizes inflammation at the level of hippocampus produced by simple fats. The hippocampus is the most important brain area involved in memory, but also the response to hunger or satiety. The children's brain is most affected from this point of view, as it is developing, simple carbohydrates in excess of their school performance and non-verbal intelligence.

A solution to reduce these compounds in the diet would be to replace them with healthy alternatives such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in many \. These products are used by people who want to lose weight or suffer from diabetes. The compounds of aspartame, phenylalanine, methanol and aspartic acid may have independent health influences when they are present in excess. Phenylalanine may cross the blood-brain barrier and may disrupt the production of neurotransmitters.

However, studies that criminalize aspartame are only correlational, without proving any causal effect of aspartame on brain health. They show an association between aspartame-rich diet and irritability, or decreased mental capacity. Increased oxidative stress has also been demonstrated in animal studies. Guides claim that aspartame less than 3. 4 grams per day (for a 70kg person) is safe for health.

Foods rich in trans fats are a type of fat produced by the hydrogenation of vegetable oils. They are naturally present in meat or dairy, but these are not a problem, but those trans fats found in margarine, cakes, fries, donuts, snacks or even semi-prepared frozen pizzas. Even if science is questionable about the effect of this type of fat on brain health, negative effects on other health issues, such as cardiovascular health and inflammation, are incontrovertible. Positive associations have also been found between high saturated fat and high fat consumption. The good news is that we have a kind of antidote - that seems to protect against cognitive decline through their anti-inflammatory compounds.

So incline the balance to the consumption of unsaturated fats and include foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts or chia seeds. Processed foodsAll foods that are extensively processed have high salt, sugar and fat content. These foods are high in calories but poor in other nutrients and cause weight gain, especially around organs. Visceral fat was associated with a measurable decrease in cerebral tissue even in primary stages of metabolic syndrome. Unhealthy ingredients in processed foods can lower brain glucose metabolism and contribute to the development.

The mechanism by which they do so is to reduce the production of BDNF (a neurotrophic factor derived from the brain), a molecule that nourishes and maintains the nerve cell. The Mediterranean diet has been proven to protect against cognitive decline, and the Western diet, unfortunately, does exactly the opposite. AlcoholDiscution about the effects of alcohol on health is a lighted one, with supporters dictated by each side. Some argue that alcohol has no health benefit, others show that moderate alcohol consumption is not harmful but health-enhancing. Attempts to conduct a giant study that ended talks were suppressed this month (June 2018), when some frauds were discovered in the broadest study so far.

In any case, the evidence shows that excessive alcohol consumption damages health, especially brain health: • reduces brain volume, • alters the metabolism and production of neurotransmitters, • vitamin deficiencies, especially the vitamin B group. Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to Korsakoff Syndrome, a disorder that causes extensive brain damage, especially memory, • Decreases the ability to recognize and interpret emotions, accentuating irritability, • Consumption in pregnancy, alcohol has devastating effects on development . Mercury-rich fish is a neurotoxic chemical that specifically affects children's developing brain. The main food that may contain mercury over the normal range is fish, especially sharks, sea mammals and swordfish. Pregnant women should avoid eating canned fish, especially those above mentioned.

If you like fishing for yourself, do not forget to look at mercury levels in the area where you plan to fish. .

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