The size of the penis really matters...

The size of the penis really matters...
The size of the penis really matters...

The size of the penis really matters, and most men say they are concerned about this especially when they have to appear naked in front of their friends. Men everywhere wonder if their penis is smaller than most or if they are able to satisfy their partner. Researchers have found that men often underestimate the measure of their genitalia. In many cultures the size of the penis is associated with masculinity, virility, fertility, strength and courage. Over time, sex representatives have turned to various extreme and controversial methods to increase their penis. From hanging weights, from an early age, to snake venom.

The size of the male genitalia is determined entirely by the factors that men can not control, the doctors. The anxiety caused by the subject has, on the other hand, impressive dimensions and affects the self-esteem of the representatives of the hard sex. Men are worried about penis size, especially in situations where need to go naked in changing rooms, showers, along with other men, when it comes to size and comparisons. Overweight men are more likely to have low self-esteem, lower self-esteem, and greater appetite for Internet use for social purposes. How is the penis correctly measured? .

An erect penis normally has a length of 13. 12 centimeters and a 11. 66 centimeter incision, according to a new study by a group of British researchers. The standard measurement procedure is as follows: the measurements are made from the pubic bone to the tip of the penis on the front of the penis. Any fat covering the bone should be pushed as much as possible during measurements.

The dimensions of the humerus are taken at the base of the penis, or in the middle of it. Each penis is unique, and boys develop differently. At puberty, between 11 and 18 years, male genitalia (penis and testicles) grow faster, although the penis develops until the age of 21. Size is important for men Size of penis does matter, and most men say they are concerned about this. According to a large study, 45% of males out of a sample of 50.

Thousands of respondents (men and women) who participated in the research, admitted that they would like their penis to be larger. On the other hand, 85% of respondents said they were satisfied with the size of the partner's penis and sexual life. According to Professor Kevan Wylie of the University of Sheffield, northern England, representatives of beautiful sex attach greater importance to the personality of the partners, personal care compared to the length of the penis. Counseling and Psychotherapy Many people have sex problems at a time. Counseling has proven to be beneficial to men who have developed anxiety about the size of the penis.

In addition, they warn that A penis can be surgically enlarged between 2 and 4 centimeters. The penis can be thickened, not just lengthened. For thickening use either human body fat, permanent thickening or hyaluronic acid, temporary thickening. Penis enlargement surgery has a high risk of infection and after surgery the patient has to follow a therapy so that the stretched tissues through the surgery remain elongated so that the operation is a success. If they are not stretched, then the penis returns to the pre-operative form.

Researchers argue that there is no clear evidence linking the size of a man's penis to other physical characteristics such as height, body mass index, or shoe size. Researchers have also stressed that there are no lotions or pills on the market that really have a penis enlargement effect.

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