Tips for healthy joints

Tips for healthy joints
Tips for healthy joints

• Power is very important. For example, it is advisable that foods such as lactate rich, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are consumed daily, as they maintain healthy joints. At the same time, fatty acids found in fatty fish favor calcium absorption and have a strong anti-inflammatory role. Therefore, it is advisable to eat several times a week mackerel, and herring. Avoid Sedentarism. Make more sport! .

Moreover, the sport practiced regularly and performed correctly, avoiding sudden or exaggerated movements, has the role of supporting the muscles around the joints and thus preventing the pressure from falling directly on them. Sedentary people have a more rapid joint degradation compared to what they do. And 30 minutes of physical activity a day makes wonders for joint health, provided that it is regular, not occasional. At the same time, we must not forget that some intense mistakes can cause harm, causing premature wear of the joints. It is essential that, before doing sports, allow enough time to warm up.

Unhealthy muscles increase the risk of injuries. • Adopt a correct position of the back. The state should be avoided for a long time in the office in awkward and wrong positions, and the leg standing over the leg. These may aggravate the movement in the lower limbs and will not stand right. • Take great care when lifting weights.

The vertebral column may be severely affected by heavy, bulky objects. It is advisable to use the leg muscles rather than the back muscles. • Take care of your weight! . This can cause the knee in both men and women. • Do not spend too much time with shoes or sandals with a heel.

These can lead, over time, to changing body posture. Moreover, it can lead to early a. • It is advisable to avoid smoking and to consume only occasionally. This habit damages the health of the joints. .

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