Two reasons to talk to you out loud

Two reasons to talk to you out loud
Two reasons to talk to you out loud

Did you think that loud talk with you can improve your life? . Researchers believe that talking to ourselves makes us smarter. Nina Buday Shutterstock When we talk to ourselves, in public or at home, we do it silently or maybe just whisper to not create the wrong impression and make others think we are crazy or hallucinating. But scientists are encouraging us to talk to ourselves as often as possible without fearing the labels one or the other might put. In their opinion, the dialogue with our own person keeps our mind active and in the form, just as the training in the room keeps our body in shape. Even more than that, it helps us to be more productive and to plan our actions successfully.

In a study published by The Quarterly Journal of Exploratory Psychology, researchers have found that talking to yourself allows the brain to function more effectively when it comes to knowing the objects and stimulating brain memory centers. Speaking loudly to the name of the object you are looking for allows brain memory sensors to work optimally. If you do not, you're more confused. On the other hand, researchers at Bangor University in the United Kingdom have confirmed that talking with ourselves is a sign of a higher level of intelligence. Participants in the study were given a sheet of paper with written instructions that they would read either silently or aloud.

During the experiment, the researchers measured participants' ability to focus and perform a task. The discoveries surprised them. Thus, it was discovered that those who read aloud have a higher concentration power and have managed to memorize almost everything they read during the study. Dr. .

Paloma Mari-Beffa, a psychologist and co-author of the study, emphasized that the benefits could only come from the fact that the participants had heard themselves speaking because the auditory controls were better controllers of the behavior compared to those made in . .

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