Uterine prolapse: causes, symptoms, treatment

Uterine prolapse: causes, symptoms, treatment
Uterine prolapse: causes, symptoms, treatment

Uterine prolapse is a complex condition that consists of moving down the internal genital organs, vagina and uterus, and affecting the position of the surrounding organs (bladder, rectum, musculature). Uterine prolapse may be incomplete or complete. An incomplete prolapse occurs when the uterus only bends partially into the vagina. A complete prolapse describes a situation where the uterus falls so low that some tissues are outside the vagina. Connective tissue, composed of elastic fibers, collagen and extracellular matrix, provides a structural support for the pelvic organs: uterus, urethra, bladder and rectum. Because supportive tissues relax and no longer support the pelvic organs and urogenital organs, the organs of the pelvic organs come down and come out of the pelvis accompanied by various symptoms depending on the organs slashed, Elvira Bratila for what's going on, Doctor ?! .

prolapse with major anatomical changes: the advanced prolapse in which the patient perceives pelvic organ contusion through the vagina accompanied by minimal functional disorders and reduced pain symptomatology. Causes Causing Uterine Prolapses The risk of getting this condition increases as the woman ages and its estrogen level decreases. Estrogen is the hormone that helps maintain pelvic muscles. Damage to muscles and pelvic tissues during pregnancy and childbirth can also lead to prolapse. Women who have had more than one vaginal birth and postmenopausal women have the highest risk.

Other factors that can aggravate the symptoms of the disease obesity chronic cough constipation Symptoms of uterine prolapse For this reason, we can not say that there is a linear relationship between the form of prolapse and the pain perceived by the patient. Thus, we can encounter incipient forms of uterine prolapse that are associated with increased pain, as well as advanced forms of uterine prolapse, in which painful phenomena do not disturb the patient, The most common urinary incontinence symptoms of urge frequent urination, urge urgency, the urgent need to go to the toilet to urinate, repeated urinary infections. pain during sexual intercourse. The intestinal symptoms that may occur in various forms of prolapse are: constipation difficult or incomplete rectal discharge, anal incontinence All these symptoms can be resolved by restoring the normal pelvic organ position and strengthening the ligament support. The pelvic static defects are commonly known by patients, and this is by the name of the organ that has lost its support and its place in the cervical pelvis, the rectocelus, The doctor will establish the diagnosis after performing the clinical, genital, urinary and other ultrasound examinations.

Later, for a diagnosis of certainty, one can add: examination by other imagistic means (intravenous urography, copocistogram, MRI) If the patient undergoes two or more surgical procedures to correct pelvic static disorder, the fibrous tissue that forms after each surgery changes the biomechanical forces normally acting on the vaginal walls. These cases are often a challenge for the surgeon and should be properly evaluated preoperatively, in order to receive appropriate treatment in an experienced center. Treatment of uterine prolapse Treatment of uterine prolapse should take into account all the factors listed above and be individualized for each case. Surgical treatment aims at restoring pelvic-perineal anatomy and restoring pelvic organ support and suspension tissues. This can be done using the patient's own tissues or synthetic meshes, Most of the time, specialists use combined techniques to reconstruct ligaments and fascicles using the patient's tissues.

Even if defects are solved over time, as prolapse occurs as a result of loosening support and pelvic support systems, prolapse forms may occur at the same site or in other pelvic compartments. Postoperative recovery after utero-vaginal prolapse interventions is rapid. In 24-48 hours the patient may be discharged. In most cases, intervention is performed vaginally, and recovery is also rapid in older women over 75 years of age. In this way, the relapse rate is low and the chances of healing are high.

Also, we should not forget that prolapse occurs through the weakening of pelvic support tissues, so no matter how much we stabilize them, we work with poor quality connective tissue. Therefore, in order to prevent relapse, it is important for the patient to avoid any effort that causes the increase of the abdominal pressure in a chronic way, such as chronic constipation, chronic cough, weight lifting etc. .

Source : csid.ro

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