What amount of alcohol is

What amount of alcohol is
What amount of alcohol is

Until recently, both the general public and part of the scientific world agreed with a statement according to which a moderate amount of alcohol consumed by adults is not harmful and, moreover, can even have a beneficial effect against diseases . In the last 10 years, however, extensive studies have been developed, especially in the USA and Canada, with the aim of confirming or denying the MYTH OF THE BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION. The undeniable conclusions of these studies are that people should not start consuming alcohol, or, in any case, should not increase; . Any consumption of alcohol, even occasionally, increases the risk of acute incidents such as unintentional injuries or violence; . Article content\n \n \n . ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n .

Occasional binge drinking is defined as an amount of five or more standard drinks consumed on one occasion - for a man - or four or more than two standard drinks per occasion for a woman; . Alcohol in large quantities increases the risk of death from any cause, including: accidents, violence, heart disease, digestive diseases, the development of alcohol dependence produces effects on the individual and on those around them: traffic accidents, child abuse, neglect. The effect of alcohol on pregnancy and breastfeeding: alcohol is known to be a teratogenic agent that can cause malformations on the fetus. There may be birth defects, behavioral problems or brain problems of the child that can affect his whole life. These adverse effects are observed even with the consumption of small amounts of alcohol or with short-term consumption and much more with large amounts.

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy negatively affects both women's health and girls' health;\r\n. There is no level of alcohol consumption that is considered safe. So the safest thing is not to drink at all while you are pregnant;\r\n. Alcohol during pregnancy, when combined with poor nutrition and tobacco use, can lead to the death of the newborn, malformations that occur at birth or lead to the birth of a child who will have behavioral and intellectual problems all his life. .

Alcohol consumed during pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous abortion;\r\n. Alcohol also negatively affects breastfeeding; . Thus, when breastfeeding, a woman should not consume any form of alcohol, in any quantity. No amount of alcohol is safe enough for the baby. It is acceptable, however, for a woman to consume a single \.

That's why she can breastfeed after this period of time has passed, only if she has only consumed a very small amount of alcohol. 1. at similar amounts of alcohol, women are negatively influenced more than men;\r\n. alcohol is metabolized by the body of women differently, negative effects appear more and faster, with smaller amounts of alcohol;\r\n. women get acute alcohol intoxication faster and in smaller quantities than men due to smaller organs, smaller amount of water in the body, hormonal effects and the actions of enzymes that are used to metabolize alcohol;\r\n.

alcohol consumption increases the risk of; . women frequently consume alcohol to cope with stress or trauma, violence received from their partners or from their families, and these affect their health even more;\r\n. women with a history of abuse in childhood pass much faster from the beginning phase of alcohol consumption to. Men drink more alcohol than women and are more likely to drink excessively. Consequently, they are more prone to:\r\n.

to be involved in traffic accidents;\r\n. at admissions for medical emergencies related to alcohol;\r\n. the risk of death due to alcohol is much higher;\r\n. the perpetuation of violence among men;\r\n. men are much more willing to take other risks, such as consuming illegal substances and driving vehicles under their influence;\r\n.

in total, much more trauma, violence and deaths result from alcohol consumption by men, especially in the case of abuse. 1. alcohol is a behavioral risk factor that frequently induces death and social problems among adolescents and young adults;\r\n. alcohol is the most common psychoactive drug used by this age group;\r\n. a large proportion of the alcohol consumed by young people is in the form of occasional abuse; .

the occasional consumption of alcohol has much more risks for young people than for adults, possibly due to additional factors such as: greater impulsiveness of adolescents, insufficiently developed emotional maturity, lower body weight, less experience in solving complex situations, . For these reasons, the usual recommendations do not apply to young people under the legal age to consume alcohol; . When the limit is 0: there are situations when NO amount of alcohol is safe enough, for example:\r\n\r\n. driving a vehicle\r\n. the use of machines or tools\r\n.

consumption of drugs or other substances that interact with alcohol\r\n. when performing a dangerous physical activity\r\n. when you are responsible for the health of others\r\n. when you have to make important decisions. Alcohol and cancer: Cancer is the main cause of death in many countries.

It can produce at least seven types of cancer: breast cancer, rectal cancer, cancer of the oral cavity, throat, liver, esophagus and larynx. Thus, reducing alcohol consumption is one of the 10 essential recommendations for reducing the risk of cancer. Alcohol and heart disease: after cancer, heart disease is the second leading cause of death in many states. Alcohol and liver disease: consuming a large amount of alcohol, even for a few days, can lead to a large amount of fat in the liver (hepatic steatosis); . Alcohol and violence: alcohol is frequently associated with violent and aggressive behavior: violence in the relationship with the partner, sexual violence by men against women, aggression and violence between adults.

It is not possible to establish an exact amount of alcohol that does not increase the risk of exacerbation of violence, so it is reasonable to make the recommendation that each individual must reduce his risk of developing aggressive or violent behavior by limiting his own alcohol consumption; . In Canada, a guide was recently issued on alcohol consumption and its effects on health, which is addressed both to the population and to government bodies with competence in public health. . These guidelines aim to inform the general public about the risks they take when drinking alcohol. Through adequate information, each person must adapt their behavior regarding alcohol in a responsible way, so that the risks to their health and those around them are minimal.

Information and advice are useful and necessary for the general public, but they must be backed up by legislative regulations for a healthy society.

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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