What does it mean to eat healthy?

What does it mean to eat healthy?
What does it mean to eat healthy?

Healthy eating should not be a complicated subject. On the contrary! . Unfortunately, in our days, captives between colorful packaging and tempting artificial flavors, our senses have lost their acuity. We need to reinvent the alphabet of food and then begin to make conscious choices that we take instinctively another time. Just because a natural subject, such as nutrition, has become a complicated science unjustly, I have tried to simplify as much as possible the answer to the question in the title. Therefore, along with a list of healthy foods and one with unhealthy foods, here are some recommendations that you can keep in mind to improve your eating style.

Fruits and vegetables are always the right Bio, organic or \. You can not be wrong if you choose to eat Michael Pollan's mantra: \. If this rule adds the information that Harvard Plate gives you that schematize in a single picture how healthy food should look, you can already consider your own nutritionist! Copyright © 2011, Harvard University. For more information about The Healthy Eating Plate, see The Nutrition Source, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, www. thenutritionsource.

org, and Harvard Health Publications, www. health. harvard. Organic or not? . Everything is OK, but not in excess! .

Taste what you want, constantly trying to make better choices, but do not forget to stop in time! . If it's too packed, it's not food. In supermarkets we often find non-food edible substances. In fact, if you want to eat healthier, I recommend you make your purchases more frequently from the market and less often in supermarkets. Appetizing packaged products, whose ingredients can not be quickly identified, unnaturally colored and flavored in excess, are most likely unhealthy.

Feed it because you love it! . Few are those who get fatter because they love food. Most times, people get fat because they eat excessively from \. Feed your body, do not indulge it, spoil it with food, do not punish it. The rules are made to be broken Sometimes it's nice to eat a donut.

And the joy that this guilty pleasure produces has its relevance to the health of your body. Happiness is ultimately the most important ingredient in the equation of a fulfilled life. If you are constantly trying to make slightly better choices than previous ones without developing obsessions and if you approach a positive and constructive tone, you will achieve optimal weight without thinking about it. .

Source : kudika.ro

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