What happens when you dream?

What happens when you dream?
What happens when you dream?

Photo: night_cat, ShutterstockVisele represent an integral part of the tradition and spiritual practice of the American Indians. Since childhood, they teach their children how to remember dreams so that they can interpret and use them as spiritual tools for guidance in life. American Indians believe that every man has three souls. The soul-ego is embodied in breath. The soul-body gives energy and vital force to the body during waking. The free soul leaves the body during dreams and trances and explores the field of dreams with the brain, while the other two souls remain attached to the body.

For the American Indians, the dream world is as important as the physical world. They believe that our mind and body do not dream of anything and that the soul is the one who does it. The world of dreams is just as real as the physical world According to American Indians, our soul can communicate. They think we can communicate with other souls, people and even animals when our soul disconnects from our body and comes into the field of dreams. For them, the dream world is as real as the physical world.

American Indians believe life is just a dream. They think that, through dreams, we remember how treacherous the world we live in. In fact, there is no difference between the dream world and the life we ​​experience in our waking state. photo: Anton Maltsev, Shutterstock In the eyes of American Indians, anything that happens in the dream world has significant consequences in our real life. Therefore, if someone is hurt during their dreams, they need to take care when they wake up.

Also in the dream world there are spiritual guides who take advantage of the opportunity to communicate with us. On the realm of dreams, the soul receives spiritual guidance. American Indians strongly believe that sometimes dreams are even more important than the periods of time we are awake, because there the soul receives spiritual guidance, finds useful information about the future, and connects with spiritual guides. The world of dreams is far more than a common place where many speculations are made, books are written and movies are made. It is an astral plan in which the soul must travel every night in order to regenerate itself, to self-exploration, and to increase so much of its development.

Source : kudika.ro

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