What reveals favorite sweets about your sex life

What reveals favorite sweets about your sex life
What reveals favorite sweets about your sex life

Sweets are not healthy, but they are delicious. Sweets have high caloric content, stimulate fast-acting insulin secretion which leads to hypoglycemia shortly, that is to say, hunger and sweet appetite. However, they also have a positive aspect. Your choices about cakes can tell the others what you like between your bedding. Chocolate flakes show you're happy with your sex life, but occasionally you want more diversity in bed. Lust for adventurous sex.

Are you a fan of chocolate? . Oatmeal cakes highlight the sensual side. Focus on the passionate sex that lasts for hours and always ends with a satisfying orgasm. You are delicate and sweet to partner if you prefer raisin cakes. The moments spent in the bedroom are special, and the connection is intense.

The inclination for ice cream cakes reveals the preference for lazy sex when much time is spent on this activity. Candy with different flavors show that sexual life is full of color and variety. If you swallow the frosting cakes, you are always looking for new things to try between sheets, always aware of all the news about sex and sex toys. Amorous life occupies a leading place. .

Source : csid.ro

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