With the desire to have a healthier diet with fewer calories and less fat-rich foods, many of us fall into the other extreme and eat only fruits. Foxys Forest Production Shutterstock Nutritionist Krista Yoder Latortue says that every meal of the day should be made up of: half a plate of vegetables and fruits, a quarter of whole grains and a quarter of protein, the truth is written. ro, who quotes Womenshealthmag. The big mistake that many of us make at breakfast is that we almost give up protein. Without protein, our body will not have energy and it will make us hungry quite quickly. Thus, eating a lot of flaming lunch, it is possible to exaggerate with big portions or choose a more unhealthy menu, says Latortue.
A woman needs daily 80-100 grams of protein, depending on body weight and physical activity.
Source : kudika.ro
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