Colds are more common in the cold season and manifest as infections of the upper respiratory tract, especially the nose, throat and sinuses. Adults can expect to catch colds two to three times a year, while children can catch colds more than 10 times. But it is also good news. Researchers have discovered how we can get rid of sneezing, coughing or fever in no more than 24 hours. Cold symptoms are common: sore throat, headache, cough, hoarseness and stuffy nose. Although there is no proven way to get rid of a cold, there are some remedies that can help relieve the symptoms you are experiencing, explains Thorrun Govind, a well-known UK pharmacist.
As a rule, children catch colds more frequently than adults and catch more colds than any other illness. Children, however, often have mild forms of the disease that go away on their own. In adults, the situation changes! Although many believe that vitamin C helps against colds, you are wrong! . Here they are! To be able to recover faster, specialists recommend plenty of rest, sleep and water. These things will give your immune system the best chance.
It is important to avoid dehydration during the cold. Hydration is always essential, but it's even more important when you have a cold or flu. The main reason you need to pay close attention to your fluid intake when you're sick is that you're probably neglecting your normal eating and drinking habits. In addition, you also lose water due to congestion and fever, writes The Sun. “Try gargling with a little water and salt to treat a sore throat.
To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, gargle with the solution, then spit it out. Repeat as many times as you like. ”, claims Thorrun Govind. According to Penn Medicine, salt water can help kill bacteria, relieve pain and loosen mucus, helping to relieve cold symptoms. For those who want to relieve their stuffy nose, try some decongestants, nasal sprays work much faster than tablets.
Also read: 3 things to do if your cough is keeping you up at night Some people take vitamin C, but there's very little evidence to suggest it helps with a cold. Another popular cold and flu product among patients is echinacea. Echinacea is an herb that experts once believed boosted the immune system to fight viral infections more effectively. Thorrun also pointed out that you don't need antibiotics if you have a cold because colds are actually viruses and antibiotics are only effective against bacteria. Also read: Researchers have discovered a new antibiotic.
The drug that can kill a deadly bacteria As with all illnesses, when it comes to a cold, prevention is better than cure. To avoid catching a cold, wash your hands regularly, especially before touching your nose or mouth. If you live with someone who has a cold, do not share personal items such as a towel or a mug with the affected person. You should only see a doctor if your cold symptoms persist for more than three weeks or if they suddenly get worse. You should always seek help if you have difficulty breathing, chest pain, or if you start coughing up blood.
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