Why is it hard to quit smoking?

Why is it hard to quit smoking?
Why is it hard to quit smoking?

One Romanian out of three smokes. Moreover, 40% of smokers, most of them between the ages of 36 and 45, consume more than one pack of cigarettes a day, according to a study conducted this year in Romania at the request of the 2035 Initiative . What most smokers know but ignore is that cigarettes are not just tobacco and paper. During the manufacturing process, an entire cocktail of chemicals is added. With each cigarette, a person will ingest harmful substances such as: Nicotine This is the substance that stimulates the brain and causes addiction. If a person smokes regularly, abstinence can have unpleasant effects.

Symptoms can include intense cravings, increased anxiety, irritability and headaches. Tar is the residue that is deposited in the lungs. From here, it enters the blood and goes to other parts of the body. Tar contains more than 4000 chemicals, over 50 carcinogens, but also other poisons. This is why smoking is considered one of the greatest causes of illness.

Carbon monoxide This gas affects how much oxygen carries the blood in the body. As a result, smoking prevents the body from obtaining the oxygen necessary to function smoothly. Smoking can lead to breathing difficulties, low energy, and poor humor. Cigarette Cases Smoking increases the risk of developing a wide range of health conditions and illnesses. But the habit not only damages the health of the smoker, but can also have a negative impact on the people around them.

Children and babies living with people who smoke are vulnerable to many health problems. These include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and an increased risk of death. Some of the most common smoking-related conditions include: Infertility. Smoking affects the fertility of men and women, which can make it difficult to conceive a child. Gum disease.

In addition to tooth coloring, smoking can cause premature tooth loss due to gum disease. Lung cancer. Eight out of ten cases of lung cancer are directly related to smoking. Other cancers. This includes the mouth, throat, nose, blood, cervical and pancreatic cancer.

Adults exposed to passive smoking for a long time have an increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer. Smoking, Response to Indoor Stress There are countless ways to quit smoking. Plastics, electronic cigarettes, will, chewing gum, tablets, pills, inhalers and even prescription drugs. In addition, there are plenty of tips you can find at just one click away on the internet. However, according to the hypnotherapist Eugen Popa, the president of the Romanian Association of Hypnosis, all these classic methods lose sight of a vital component: the subconscious mind.

And as long as that tension is not resolved, oral fixation remains active, but moves from smoking to something else, drinking, eating, etc. . Smoking (or whatever) is like a top-down pyramid. The tip is emotional, while the base is the vice. You can also think of smoking as a fruit on a tree.

Do not you want the fruit anymore? . This is why people are afraid to quit smoking. Because if you just remove or quench the smoking (the fruit), the root remains active and will find another way to express. In other words, it will create another fruit, How can you quit smoking by hypnosis Experts at the Romanian Association of Hypnosis have been using effective methods for a few years to help smokers give up this harmful habit for their health. The secret of these techniques: Identifying the primordial cause of inner stress, well trapped in our subconscious, which causes us to smoke more and more.

Of all the existing practices, the most effective seems to be hypnosis. In the expert's opinion, hypnosis is the key that opens the gate wide, so you can freely access the Power of Mind. The thoughts and behaviors that the smoker possesses are often those that prevent them from successfully giving up. When a person decides to quit smoking, the key issue is to give up routine and change their perspective on cigarettes. Hypnosis works by inducing a deep and relaxed state, while the mind is open to suggestions that can help you become non-smoker.

An analysis used to aggregate the results of 633 smoking cessation studies with hypnotherapy involved 71. 806 smokers who reported whether or not they managed to quit smoking using this method. The results show that hypnosis is twice as effective as methods involving will (discipline, smoking cessation cards etc. ) Also for those who prefer to work autonomously with their own mind to change harmful habits, self hypnosis is a perfect technique to work with the subconscious. Self-hypnosis is a way that allows us to plant some suggestions in mind.


Source : csid.ro

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