Why migraines occur.

Why migraines occur.
Why migraines occur.

Headache affects half of people at least once a month. Whether it's a migraine or a headache because of tension, the symptoms interfere with your life and keep you away from the things that matter most. 1. You may have a sensitivity to chocolate Migraines are severe headaches that give pulsations and are three times more common in women than in men. Migraines can be based on several causes, such as food allergies such as chocolate or a flavor enhancer called MSG, or that period of the month. Also, stress and exhaustion can cause headache.

Migraines are often more painful on one side of the head and may include: nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sounds, blurred vision. If you want to know the cause of migraines, keep a calendar. Write what you did and what you ate on the day of each attack, as well as the pills you took. Then go to the doctor and discuss treatment options. 2.

It's that time of the month You wondered why you chose with a headache at the same time each month? . Generally, you can keep your pain under control with these habits. A. Keeps a regular schedule of 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. B.

Do not give up breakfast and protein-rich snacks, so you'll be able to keep your blood sugar stable. C. If the symptoms do not improve due to medications or changes in your lifestyle, your doctor may recommend some hormonal treatments. 3. Red wine is not your friend The headache that occurs after eating red wine remains a mystery and for scientists.

It is generally believed that it can be caused by natural compounds such as sulphites, histamines or tannins found in red wine. Since each liqueur has different amounts of such ingredients, you may find a bottle that gives you that feeling of warmth, release, without headache. 4. You have an active sex life Migraines can hit at the worst possible time. Headaches during sex tend to appear suddenly, to be unpredictable and intense, often happening at the time of orgasm.

Pain during sex can have several causes: A. Increased blood pressure and heart rate during orgasm. B. Muscle tension C. They can be triggered by scented candles or a certain perfume.

Go to the doctor if the headache hits you while doing love. This may also indicate a vascular accident. Also, if taken before having sex, some medicines can prevent migraines. You need to make a change at work The headaches that occur at work are the most common. Generally, they come from stress.

Voltage can occur when: A. Keep your head in a position for too long, such as when you are sitting at your computer. B. Stress or exhaustion tells their word. C.

Drink too much coffee. D. You tired of your eyes. If you have headaches due to work pressure, try to move your computer to the direct visual line. Make sure it's centered on you so you do not look down all the time.

A better posture can help relieve muscle tension that often leads to headaches. 6. You could have a sinus infection The pains that appear in the sinuses area or in the front of the head, above or around the nose, are often caused by migraines and are unrelated to any sinus problem. However, in some cases, a sinus infection or an allergy can cause this type of headache. A.

It could be an infection if you have a pain in the front of your head and it can not be solved with allergy or decongestants. B. She does not leave after about two weeks. If there is a sinus infection, your doctor may recommend antibiotics and decongestants. 7.

You may suffer from a rare but serious condition Cluster headache (in bunches) are rare. Less than one in 1. 000 people are experiencing them. However, when they hit, they are known in medicine as some of the most powerful. As their name suggests, these migraines may have a certain cyclicity, so they can occur every day for several weeks or may disappear .

Pain can be felt more strongly behind an eye, and usually tends to be stiff, strange. The treatment can include powerful medications and oxygen therapy. The researchers also began a series of studies to find out whether psychedelic drugs such as LSD could help treat cluster headaches because current pills do not work for each person. .

Source : csid.ro

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