Your child is homosexual.

Your child is homosexual.
Your child is homosexual.

What do you do when you find out that you have a homosexual child, how do you feel, how do you overcome prejudices? . Often, the abyss seems irresistible to you, but the solution lies right in your hands. The parent blames directly from the child's sexual choices. He constantly wonders where he did wrong in applying education, The anger is great. Generally, because parents always link the choice of erotic direction of children to education and events in their family life. Shame is irrelevant.

Direct questions are the only ones that can establish genetic programming or the choice of homosexuality as an erotic manifestation, The subject is delicate, and that is because of the associations that defend this type of minority. , says priest Vlad Maxim. The Bible says constantly that homosexual activities are a sin (Genesis 19: 1-13, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1: 26-27, 1 Corinthians 6: 9). It teaches us specifically that homosexuality is the result of rejection and disobedience to God. When some people continue their lives in sin and unbelief, the Bible tells us that God Psychological counseling, both for parents and for the child, is the sure way in which all parties understand the truth, There are several cases that can occur during psychological counseling: the parent learns that the educational wrong the parent learns that the child was born the parent learns that it is a choice Do not lose your child if you love him.

True parents struggle for their children, no matter what they do. Homosexuality is just a label. We can not be all, heterosexual, Christians and monogames, Accepting homosexuality Homosexuality is not a problem, but it can become a problem if you do not accept it. Yes, it is true, inside you, as a parent, you dry out of sadness and regret, but I repeat, you have nothing to do. Many years ago, a hypnotherapist says homosexuality is not an inexcusable disease.

Using the word sickness gives homosexuality more power than it should have. Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psyhopatia Sexualis in 1886 catalogs homosexuality as a mental illness. Sigmund Freud, however, presented a different opinion in the first half of the 20th century. Freud believes that everyone is normally bisexual, with certain tendencies, both towards heterosexuality and homosexuality, one of which dominates Coming back nowadays: The problem is being handled exclusively with specialist help. In the first phase, when the parent tries to discover the source of the child's homosexuality, the Church is the first choice.

The information from the priests has the gift of stopping the heart from bleeding. Subsequently, the psychologist also appears in the landscape. He will struggle with Christian dogma, the parent's beliefs and the sexual direction of the child. For information, parents can read about reparative therapy, What can we say about homosexuality from a psychological point of view? . Efforts to change sexual orientation have a low likelihood of fulfillment.

Both specialized research and clinical literature emphasize the following idea: As a psychologist, you can see if sexual orientation is imposed by something or someone or the subject has always been attracted to same-sex erotic partners with him, Education and Homosexuality If there are genes about which Satinover speaks, regardless of education, the child will be attracted to homosexuality. Let me point out strictly through questions to which readers answer, the following scenario: Are children with same-sex parents educated? . Example: Mother, she brought her to the house, after divorce, her sexual partner. Together they form a couple. First question: how many mothers does the child have? .

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