5 things you did not know about lymphoma

5 things you did not know about lymphoma
5 things you did not know about lymphoma

More and more people are struggling with cancer today and trying to find a way to heal. Specialists believe that the number of those who get sick annually by this condition could reach 24 million by 2035. Oncologists already talk about cancer as a chronic illness. As for lymphoma, this form of lymphatic cancer has a constant incidence of 3-4 percent, recorded in the world over the last 40 years. Primary hematologist Carmen Paripas draws attention to some important issues related to this type of malignant disease. Causes of lymphoma, another mystery.

Until this hour, medicine did not accurately detect causes of lymphoma, but doctors talk about the involvement of risk factors in triggering the disease. Other known risk factors are: male gender, age 15-35 or over 55 years, immunodepression, Epstein-Barr virus infections in the past, Carmen Paripas. Lymphoma starts in white cells. In the human body, there are two types of white cells: Type B and T-type antibodies involved in the destruction of microorganisms and tumor cells. Both are a form of cancer of the lymphatic system, distinguished by morphological, immunohistochemical and evolutionary peculiarities but relatively identical as clinical manifestations Symptoms may be common to many affections.

Because there are no screening tests that highlight a lymphoma, specialists recommend that all health-conscious people not ignore certain symptoms and report them to their family doctor and hematologist. A lymphoma may be manifested by the increase in lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, chest pain, difficulty breathing and chills. Therapies for patients with lymphoma. Today's medicine allows for the successful treatment of many cases of lymphoma today, due to medications, performance interventions and diagnostic methods that offer great accuracy and precision such as biopsy, tomography, magnetic resonance, and PET-CT. Chances of long-term survival have already been increased after the introduction of monoclonal antibody therapy in certain subtypes of lymphoma, but also here depends on the individuality of each patient.

Also, the introduction of large-scale bone marrow transplantation has increased the period of remission, with no signs of disease and increased survival. Carmen Paripas. Research continues. As with many other types of malignancies, there are many ongoing studies related to the diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma. A recent US research from the University of Georgia, USA, aims to diagnose the disease through a blood test, while a Mayo Clinic study shows that physical activity can increase the life expectancy of patients with lymphoma.

In fact, doctors recommend these people a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, avoidance of cold exposure and psychological counseling. .

Source : csid.ro

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