Broccoli, health benefits

Broccoli, health benefits
Broccoli, health benefits

• Broccoli protects your eyesight. Broccoli contains zeaxanthin, vitamin A, complex B, C, E betacarotene and phosphorus, substances useful for eye health. Practically these substances have a protective role against and the damage produced by the ultraviolet radiation at the eye level. Furthermore, this vegetable has an important role in cataract prevention. • Detoxify the body. Broccoli purifies blood and prevents infections and other diseases that lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Prevents the appearance of many types of cancer. Among these, breast cancer, uterine cancer, colon, liver, because this vegetable contains strong anti-cancer substances such as betacarotene, selenium, vitamin C, A, E, zinc, potassium or amino acids that fight cancer. • Lowers \. Because broccoli contains fiber, betacarotene, fatty acids of the type, minerals and vitamins, broccoli consumption leads to lower \. Moreover, the broccoli content of the broccoli has a vasodilatory role, implicitly taking place the stimulation of the blood flow and oxygenation of the blood in the body.

In addition, being rich in magnesium and calcium, broccoli regulates. Thus, broccoli potassium helps prevent hypertension, and lutein, a good antioxidant, fighting heart disease, preventing blood thickening and fat deposition on the arteries. • Ensures good functioning of the nervous system. Broccoli contains a significant percentage of potassium, a mineral that maintains health, ensures optimal brain function and favors the development of muscle mass. • Fight Aging.

Broccoli is rich in, a necessary antioxidant in the fight against free radicals. Furthermore, vitamin C is an effective antihistamine to alleviate the discomfort associated with colds and flu. • Maintains bone health. Broccoli contains calcium and vitamin K, both vitamins having an essential role in maintaining bone health and preventing. • It is also an important source of protein.

They are ideal for those who want to lose weight and diet, because it gives the feeling of satiety. Moreover, broccoli is rich in chrome, which has the role of stopping sweet appetite, so the number of calories accumulated is not high. • Improves digestion. High fiber content also contributes to the regulation of digestive transit. Moreover, it seems to be a real adjunct against.

Broccoli also cleans the colon and small intestine, removing the toxins accumulated at this level, and magnesium helps relieve stomach acidity by ensuring good. .

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