Fruits containing a lot of sugar, not recommended in weight loss belts

Fruits containing a lot of sugar, not recommended in weight loss belts
Fruits containing a lot of sugar, not recommended in weight loss belts

grapes. It is a source of energy because of sugars. 100 grams of grapes contain 16 grams of sugars, of which 8 grams of glucose and 8 grams of fructose. However, the grapes are not very large, which means that the grape sugar is assimilated, but the people suffering from it must consume them moderately, preferably only on the recommendation of the diabetologist. Specifically, grapes also reach 32 g of sugar per 100 g. cherries.

They are pretty sweet, a cup containing 18 grams of sugars. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, it is not advisable to eat much. Cantaloupe. One slice contains about 17 grams of sugar. But watermelon is full of vitamins, water and very beneficial to the body, so you can consume it all summer.

Watermelon is also good. bananas. An average banana contains 14 grams of sugar. If you follow a diet it is advisable to eat only half a banana. pineapple.

This delicious fruit contains 11. 9 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit. The apples. Many people consider harmless apples, but it should be kept in mind that 100 grams contain 13. 3 grams of sugar.

Avocado. Although it seems hard to believe, avocado is even considered one of the few fruits that has the glycemic index score of 40. You can simply eat it or put it in salad, being very rich in calories, although it has a low sugar content. cannon. It is an exotic less known fruit, but with a lot of benefits for the diet.

Carambola contains few calories and is rich in vitamins. It can be added to salads along with other exotic fruits or can be eaten alongside white meat and. Grapefruit. If it is consumed together with a portion of protein, it is the best way to start your day. It can be included in salads, especially if you do not like to consume it as such.

100 grams of fresh grapefruit contains 6. 7 grams of sugar. nectarines. With a crisp and crispy bark, nectarines are suited to salads and do not contain much sugar. strawberries.

A cup of strawberry contains only 7 grams of sugar, so you can consume it without care. They can also be added to the salad. lemons. They are very good in having the ability to cleanse the body and energize it. These fruits, extremely rich in, contain only 2.

5 grams of sugar. Blades are not recommended for people suffering from ulcer or other stomach affections. Papaya. Contains 5. 9 grams of sugar per 100 grams.

A single papaya fruit can exceed three times the body's daily requirement for vitamin C. . Papaya also contains vitamins A, E and K, but also fiber, calcium, beta-carotene and. .

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