Is water eating during the meal harmful?

Is water eating during the meal harmful?
Is water eating during the meal harmful?

• Water consumption during the meal may slow down. It is advisable to drink water before eating, which will protect the stomach walls. In addition, you will feel sober and thus avoid excess food. • slows down acids, causing food to decompose over a longer period of time. It is advisable to drink water before eating at room temperature. Cold water increases the pH of the body, and for this reason the gastric process is aggravated.

Ideally it would be to drink 30 minutes before meals, some studies say. • A too large amount of fluids consumed during the meal can cause indigestion and can prevent effective absorption of nutrients. That's why it's best that you do not drink water for 30 minutes before and after you've eaten. If it is not possible, then you can drink one glass and the water is not very cold. • At the same time, if you are very, you can drink a very small amount of water with small swallowing.

It is important not to drink water quickly because it will dilute the stomach juice, which is extremely important for the decomposition of ingested foods. It is important to know that if you drink water during the meal it is less dangerous than not to drink at all. If you did not drink water before eating, then you can take a small glass of water, because the food coming on a background leads to slowing digestion. Including blood needs water to transport nutrients to the liver. Also, it is very important to consume water throughout the day so you can, and if you feel the need to drink something during the meal, be careful not to be carbonated drinks or juices.

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