Pelvic inflammatory disease (Anexita): causes, symptoms, treatment errors

Pelvic inflammatory disease (Anexita): causes, symptoms, treatment errors
Pelvic inflammatory disease (Anexita): causes, symptoms, treatment errors

Anexita or pelvic inflammatory disease (PIP) is caused by an infection of female reproductive organs: uterus, tubules, ovaries. The most common cause: sexually transmitted infections, especially Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, which disseminate from the vagina to the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries. Sometimes, bacteria from normal vaginal flora may proliferate and may cause attachment. Anexita may not have symptoms, so it remains undetected and untreated, lead to chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Gynecologist Erna Stoian explains to CSID how it can be prevented, what can be complications and what mistakes we should avoid in treating it. Symptoms of attachment · Pelvic pain; .

You have to go to a doctor if: · You notice a wound in the genital area, have abnormal and ugly vaginal discharge, bleeding between menstruation or urination in urination; . You have to be honest with your doctorate and ask what tests you have to do; . More rarely, bacterial contamination may occur after birth, abortion, by disrupting the cervical barrier. Factors that increase the chances of getting the disease: • Have an active sex life and be younger than 25 years • Have multiple sex partners; . How to prevent this disease The only 100% safe prevention method is abstinence.

If you have an active sexual life, the correct use of the condom decreases your chances of getting attached. Sexual relationships with a single partner, tested and non-sexually transmitted, decrease incidence. Complications of the annexe When not treated, appendix may lead to pelvic adhesions and chronic pain, blockage of the tubes. Also, accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube or ovary can occur, tubo-ovarian abscess, which can lead to systemic infection. BIP is the primary cause of the occurrence of extrauterine pregnancy as a result of adhesion (scar tissue) at the level of the tubes.

Ectopic pregnancy is a major medical emergency. Also, appendix can affect the genitals and lead to infertility (the impossibility of getting a pregnancy). The diagnosis will be made by the gynecologist who will take into account the symptoms, the gynecological examination, the cultures of the vagina and col. He may also recommend laboratory blood and urine tests to determine the degree of infection and spread. Transvaginal ultrasound is also a useful tool for visualizing internal genitalia and for abscess diagnosis.

In some cases, when the cause of pain is not detected, diagnostic laparoscopy is recommended. Insert a chamber through a incision in the navel and visualize the pelvic organs. Most patients require ambulatory treatment. If the symptomatology is severe, the doctor may recommend hospitalization and intravenous treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Surgery is rare but beneficial in case of breakage of ovarian abscess.

Normally, if a patient has BIP symptomatology, broad-spectrum antibiotics are initially prescribed for at least 7 days. It is important that treatment is started as soon as possible to prevent complications. If cultures were harvested and later found that the original antibiotics were not targeted on the detected infection, antibiotic therapy may change. Generally, a mistake in the treatment of the appendix may lead to chronic disease, an extrauterine pregnancy, infertility and chronic pelvic pain: · Incomplete treatment. Often, the symptoms disappear before the infection is cured and some patients prematurely stop taking antibiotics for various reasons: they are too strong, have no pain, avoids medication, etc.

. Stopping the antibiotic, however, leads to the emergence of resistant bacteria, so the infection becomes much harder to treat. · Lack of treatment for the partner. In many cases, the partner is asymptomatic and refuses medication, considering it to be useless. This is completely wrong.

When the sexual activity resumes, the partner will reinfect. · Ignoring the period of abstinence. Self-medication - administering an unopened and inadequate antibiotic leads to the emergence of resistance to therapy. Also, administration before the doctor can mask the bacteria in the crop, and the result is false negative. Delaying treatment can lead to chronic attachment.


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