What are Somatoform Disorders The main feature of somatopoietic disorders is the somatic symptoms accusations, along with the constant demand for medical investigations, despite repeated negative findings and medical assurances that the symptoms do not have any somatic basis. However, if somatic suffering is present, it does not explain the wide symptomatic spectrum nor does the patient's suffering or concern. The patient does not usually accept the possibility of a psychological causality even if the onset of the symptomatology occurs in a reactive context (stressful life events). There is also a catch-up behavior, especially in patients who can not convince physicians to carry out new medical investigations to detect a somatic pathology. Somatosis Disorder: Symptoms and Diagnosis It is characterized by the presence of multiple somatic symptoms, recurrent and frequently changing as a localization, symptoms that have . Patients have a history with multiple presentations in primary and specialist healthcare, implicitly having multiple investigations (with negative outcomes).
Symptoms include: - Algic symptoms: headaches, abdominal pain, back pain, joints, extremities, thoracic, rectal, during menstruation, sexual intercourse or micturition. - gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea syndrome or intolerance to various foods, irritable bowel syndrome. - symptoms in the sexual sphere: sexual indifference, erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory dysfunction, irregular menstrual periods, excessive bleeding, vomiting throughout pregnancy. - pseudoneurological symptoms: Conversion symptoms such as coordination or balance deterioration, localized localized paralysis or decrease of muscle strength, difficulty in swallowing or feeling of a nodule in the throat, aphonitis, urine retention, hallucinations, loss of tactile or painful feeling, diplopia . After a proper investigation, none of the symptoms listed above can be fully explained by a known medical condition or the direct effects of a substance (drug, drug).
When there is a similar general medical condition, the somatic accusations or the resulting social or professional impairment are in excess of what would be expected from the history, somatic examination or laboratory data. Often, the symptoms are The diagnosis is made with: somatic disorders (the somatic complains of time), affective disorders (increased intensity of depressive symptoms at the same time with low intensity of somatization symptoms), hypocondriacal disorder (the focus is on serious somatic disease with progressive progression; . Upper Hypocondrial Disorder: Symptoms and Diagnosis The essential feature is a persistent concern about the possibility of having one or more serious and progressive somatic diseases. Patients have persistent somatic complaints or persistent concerns about somatic phenomena. Apparently normal or banal sensations are often interpreted as abnormal and troublesome.
The patient is sometimes convinced that another somatic disorder or an additional to the prominent one may be present. It is also characteristic of conscious refusal to accept the advice or assurances of physicians that they do not suffer from any somatic disease. Depression and / or anxiety may develop as secondary manifestations. There are no differences in gender prevalence. The degree of associated incapacity is very variable; .
Diagnosis - persistent delusional disorder with hypocondrial delusion (the patient has a degree of absolute conviction as to the existence of a somatic disease and can not be convinced even in the short term by arguments, repeated assurances, and conducting new investigations). - the somatization disorder (emphasis is on the symptoms and not on the disorder itself and its future consequences) - depressive disorders (chronological precedent the development of hypocondriacal ideas) - generalized anxiety and panic disorders (patients accept explanations related to the psychological aetiology of problems . The evolution and treatment of somatoform disorders Evolution in somatization disorders is chronic, with few remissions, however, the severity of the accusations may fluctuate. In somatization disorder, complications include unnecessary surgery, drug dependence and adverse effects of prescribed medication without needing. Treatment of Somatoform Disorder Drug treatment in somatization disorder involves the short-term administration of antidepressants and / or anxiolytics depending on the clinical picture (acute depressive, anxiety or depressive episodes).
Avoid long-term administration of any psychotropic substances to prevent psychological dependence on them. In hypotonic disorder, medium to long-term antidepressants (SSRIs) and anxiolytics (benzodiazepines). Psychotherapeutic treatment involves long-term awareness or supportive psychotherapy to provide understanding of the dynamics, support in overcoming stressful life events, as well as patient follow-up, prevention of psychotropic abuse, excessive counseling at different physicians, therapeutic procedures, or ..
Source : csid.ro
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