The health benefits of a glass of red wine

The health benefits of a glass of red wine
The health benefits of a glass of red wine

• Red wine contains melatonin, an antioxidant that helps regulate the biological clock. Studies have shown that a glass of red wine drinking before bedtime helps the person concerned to sleep much easier. Varieties of melatonin are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Sangiovese. • A glass of red wine at the table so the polyphenols in the wine function as a gastric dressing in contact with chemical compounds in the food and relax the stomach muscles during digestion. • Red wine consumed in moderation (no more than 300 ml during the meal) helps lower blood pressure. Moreover, saponins, two compounds of wine, contribute to the prevention of heart disease.

• Antioxidants found in red wine are very good for skin health, especially for the skin. According to studies, resveratrol is real. • All resveratrol contributes to growth (HDL). • Polyphenols in red wine contribute to maintaining the health of blood vessels, helping to create nitric oxide, a substance that plays a role in relaxing tissues, being basically a good tonic. • Elderly people who drink a glass of red wine at the table seem to enjoy good mental health and are not at risk of installing and having Alzheimer's disease.

Including depression can be prevented with this drink, provided it is consumed at minimum doses. • Wine has an effect. A regular and moderate consumption of red wine leads to increased levels of glutathione, the most powerful antioxidant in the body. • Wine reduces the oxidation of fats. • Red wine is also recognized for its anti-inflammatory effect.

• A number of studies have shown that red wine can reduce the risk of occurrence. Consuming two red glasses a week leads to a 40% reduction in the risk of kidney cancer. • Race less. Thus, studies suggest that people who drink wine show 40% fewer chances to cool than those who drink wine rather than occasionally. • Protects against.

Men who drink between four and seven glasses of wine a week have a 50% lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Resveratrol also seems to reduce the risk. .

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