The relationship between emotions and our health

The relationship between emotions and our health
The relationship between emotions and our health

The main emotions that harm the body in the physical plane are: fear, lack of forgiveness, shame and insecurity. For example, fear will manifest in the stomach and kidneys, in. Tackling will weaken your immune system and affect your heart. Anger can cause liver, leg, muscle, or bone damage. Uncertainty occurs in the physical plane of the stomach, knees, ankles, spine, shoulders, throat. Rusine can affect the stomach and the spine.

At the same time, the feeling of anger causes a great deal of harm to the body, especially as it can even lead to coronary artery disease. Each recurrent manic crisis represents an extra stress for the heart, increasing tension and. Different organs can be influenced by the states and emotions that a person has. For example, the lungs are intimately linked to negative emotions. Thus, choking can cause lung damage and respiratory problems.

That is why it is extremely important to control our emotional states, not to accumulate any sense of anger, fear, panic, depression. Even if it is present, it would be advisable to try to diminish it and, if it fails, ask for specialist help from a specialist in psychotherapy. After only a few sessions in a few months, it is possible for the patient to regain their peace, become more powerful, and even if some emotional negative states occur, they know how to control them. .

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