Unhealthy effects of frying potatoes

Unhealthy effects of frying potatoes
Unhealthy effects of frying potatoes

Fried foods are rich in fat, calories and salt. There are studies linking fried foods to serious health problems such as heart disease. Thus, researchers claim that fried foods can influence the appearance of these diseases through several key factors: obesity and high cholesterol. In addition, it is known that the frying process not only changes the quality of the food but also increases the caloric content, this being another aspect to be taken into account and avoided. Also, fried foods served in fast food restaurants are often cooked in, which are high in trans fats, increasing levels of (LDL), lowering good cholesterol (HDL). Another concern about fried foods is based on acrylamide, a chemical that is formed in foods cooked at high temperatures such as fried and baked foods.

Acrylamide has been shown in animal studies to result in cancer. Thus, the researchers claim that in a darker, fried food, there is even more acrylamide. However, if a human is healthy, he can consume moderate amounts of fried foods containing acrylamide. Therefore, if you want to eat fried foods, it is advisable to do them in the house where you can control the type of oil you use. Liquid oil is the healthiest option because it contains large amounts of \.

And olive oil, soybean and canola oil are good choices. These oils are also rich in, healthy for the heart. Never re-use the oil when frying, but use fresh oil every time. After you have finished frying, use paper towels to absorb any excess oil from food. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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