I'm scared and we are in a very good relationship. That is, when I come to sit down on asphalt and cry, I will do it, which I allude to you, flame and girls equally. It's therapeutic and it's good for nerves. The golden rule is that they never cry in public. This rhythm with stitches and sackings seasoned with ragged gentiles unfolds between four walls or just the people they love and love unconditionally. I mean, about 4 in number, my soulfriend and my family.
In front of a man I would not cry unless, as I was saying, I would love him unconditionally. As you well know, this love has not stuck with me until now. Photo Chepko Danil Vitalevich / ShutterstockIf you ask them, most of the men will tell you that for them, a woman's craving for a woman is an outpouring for Pazuzu. No, thanks. Now do not judge them too harshly.
This thing has, in my humble opinion, two causes. On the one hand, they get caught in the brain in tears that tears are evidence of weakness and men do not cry. Great fas, if you let me go! . That's what I said on another occasion. On the other hand, I now look accusatory to you, navels that flew away from the genes at whatever will not suit you.
When you do not get out of hand playing cards, you are emotionally blackmailing them. If you do such gestures, I want you to have ugly things. How, moreover, I wish them to lose ugly things to all people who have no need to resort to emotional blackmail, regardless of their genital equipment. From what I noticed, men, paradoxically, do more easily with women who plague than anything other than women who do not cry and point. .
Source : kudika.ro
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