Category: Medicine

The unusual sign of diabetes indicated by saliva.

The unusual sign of diabetes indicated by saliva.

As with most bodily functions, saliva production is one you probably don't take too seriously until you see an ad for some drug that turns your mouth into a bubble...
Stem cells frequently asked questions

Stem cells frequently asked questions

they are special types of cells that have the unique ability to transform into various types of specialized cells in the body.They have two distinctive characteristics: Self-regeneration capacity: Stem cells...
The effectiveness of stem cells in treating diseases

The effectiveness of stem cells in treating diseases

The effectiveness of stem cells in the treatment of diseases is an extremely promising topic in the field of medicine and scientific research.Stem cells have demonstrated a significant potential in...
The sign of a diseased heart that appears in the elbow.

The sign of a diseased heart that appears in the elbow.

Your body can tell you a lot about your health.For example, if you are experiencing hair loss, you are most likely suffering from alopecia, and if you have fruity breath,...
5 Reasons Your Period May Be Irregular.

5 Reasons Your Period May Be Irregular.

Has it happened to you that your period was late or did not come at all for a month, a fact that worried you? .Stress can affect you more than...
What foods to eat for breakfast to combat morning anxiety

What foods to eat for breakfast to combat morning anxiety

Have you ever gone to bed stressed because you had an important exam, interview or flight the next day and woke up earlier than expected? .And a great way to...
Respiratory infections: how to avoid them this winter

Respiratory infections: how to avoid them this winter

In the height of the season of respiratory infections, with hospitals full of patients and wards no longer able to cope with demands, prevention seems to be the most important...
Ultrasound therapy - therapeutic indications and benefits

Ultrasound therapy - therapeutic indications and benefits

is a medical or therapeutic procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to treat musculoskeletal pathology such as muscle contracture, muscle spasm, joint stiffness and others.Article content\n ...
Myths about endometriosis

Myths about endometriosis

is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.This leads to inflammation and the formation of scar tissue in the pelvic region...
Infections during pregnancy and the implications on the fetus

Infections during pregnancy and the implications on the fetus

acquired during pregnancy by the mother can have significant negative effects on fetal development or viability.These infections can cause a multitude of harmful effects on the fetus or newborn, depending...
Spots on the skin can indicate different diseases

Spots on the skin can indicate different diseases

Spots on your skin are usually caused by exposure to the sun and are generally harmless, but some spots can indicate skin cancer, liver pathologies or other conditions.Thus, it is...
Cosmetic surgery interventions: remarkable transformations in the fight against aging

Cosmetic surgery interventions: remarkable transformations in the fight against aging

Youth without old age - who hasn't wanted to make this phrase a reality? .In the age of technology and increased concern for physical appearance, cosmetic surgery interventions have become...
The beneficial effects of thermotherapy

The beneficial effects of thermotherapy

As its name suggests, it comes from the Greek words thermos, which means warm, hot, and therapeia, which means treatment.Thus, we can define thermotherapy as the procedure by which heat...
The impact of disorganized attachment on interpersonal relationships

The impact of disorganized attachment on interpersonal relationships

it is characterized by incoherent (inconsistent) and unpredictable behavior, being the rarest and most extreme form of insecure attachment.People with this style are looking for love, but distance themselves or...
Pulmonary thromboembolism - risk factors and preventive measures

Pulmonary thromboembolism - risk factors and preventive measures

Pulmonary thromboembolism represents the migration of a blood clot in the blood vessels of the lungs.This phenomenon occurs when a thrombus from another region of the body, often from the...

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